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Last active September 17, 2015 18:53
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Save asciimike/e3d1be2e75624a14209f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Multiple JSON files to single JSON file, with key sanitization, for data import into Firebase
import sys, os, getopt, re, json
def main(argv):
inputpath = ''
outputfile = ''
verbose = False;
outputDictionary = {}
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "vhp:o:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
print ''
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ' -p <path/to/folder> -o <outputfile>'
elif opt in ("-v"):
verbose = True;
elif opt in ("-p"):
inputpath = arg
elif opt in ("-o"):
outputfile = arg
if verbose:
print "Input path is:", inputpath
print "Output file is:", outputfile
roomNamingPattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9%][a-zA-Z0-9%\.@_:\-]{0,127}\.json")
for currentFileName in os.listdir(inputpath):
# Check that the file is valid
if roomNamingPattern.match(currentFileName):
if verbose:
print currentFileName, " is a match"
else :
if verbose:
print currentFileName, " is not a match"
if verbose:
print "Opening file", currentFileName
currentFile = open(inputpath + "/" + currentFileName) #*NIX only solution right now...
fileContents = json.loads(
if verbose:
print "Sanitizing objects in file", currentFileName
fileContents = sanitizeObject(fileContents)
outputDictionary[currentFileName.split(".")[0]] = fileContents
if verbose:
print "Sanitization complete, closing file", currentFileName
if verbose:
print "Printing to file", outputfile
json.dump(outputDictionary, open(outputfile, "w"))
# Sanitize JSON objects
def sanitizeObject(object):
if type(object) is dict:
for key in object.keys():
firebaseKeyRegex = re.compile("[\.\#\$\[\]\/]") #Regex to check keys against Firebase
if firebaseKeyRegex.match(key):
keyBeforeSanitization = key
key = sanitizeKey(keyBeforeSanitization)
object[key] = object[keyBeforeSanitization]
del object[keyBeforeSanitization]
object[key] = sanitizeObject(object[key])
elif type(object) is list:
for item in object:
object[object.index(item)] = sanitizeObject(item)
return object
# Get rid of disallowed values for keys in Firebase
def sanitizeKey(key):
key = key.replace(".","-dot-")
key = key.replace("#","-hash-")
key = key.replace("$","-dollar-")
key = key.replace("/","-slash-")
key = key.replace("[","-leftsquare-")
key = key.replace("]","-rightsquare-")
return key
# Main program
if __name__ == "__main__":
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