Welcome and thank you for signing up for NodeSchool at NationJS 2014. To make this NodeSchool the best NodeSchool, there are a few things that you can do before you arrive to be ready to excel at this NodeSchool!
- Install Node.js - This can be done by choosing the pre-built installers here.
- After you've installed Node.js, install the NodeSchool workshops (see below).
- Come ready to learn with your favorite text editing program (We suggest Sublime Text, Atom or Brackets)
NodeSchool is a collection of open-source workshops that teach web software skills. It originated as a way to get up to speed with Node.js, but has expanded to help you learn multiple topics. NodeSchool has 3 main packages that should help get you up to speed in Node. These packages are:
- javascripting
$ sudo npm install -g javascripting
- Learn the basics of JavaScript. No previous programming experience required.
- learnyounode
$ sudo npm install -g learnyounode
- Learn the basics of node: asynchronous i/o, http.
- stream-adventures
$ sudo npm install -g stream-adventure
- Learn to compose streaming interfaces with .pipe().
There are also a whole bunch of electives, but if you are comfortable with the 3 main packages you should help us mentor! :-) The complete list of NodeSchool packages can be found here.
The most important thing about attending NodeSchool at NationJS 2014 is to have fun. We will have a bunch of volunteer mentors to help you through the above classes, so come ready to learn!