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Last active August 7, 2024 13:13
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Handy script I made to help streamline Streamlit debugging
# How to use:
# [1] Ensure you have `debugpy` installed:
# > pip install debugpy
# [2] In your main streamlit app:
# import streamlit_debug
# streamlit_debug.set(flag=True, wait_for_client=True, host='localhost', port=8765)
# `flag=True` will initiate a debug session. `wait_for_client=True` will wait for a debug client to attach when
# the streamlit app is run before hitting your next debug breakpoint. `wait_for_client=False` will not wait.
# If using VS Code, you need this config in your `.vscode/launch.json` file:
# {
# // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
# // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
# // For more information, visit:
# "version": "0.2.0",
# "configurations": [
# {
# "name": "Python: Current File",
# "type": "python",
# "request": "launch",
# "program": "${file}",
# "console": "integratedTerminal",
# "env": {"DEBUG": "true"}
# },
# {
# "name": "Python: debugpy Remote Attach",
# "type": "python",
# "request": "attach",
# "connect": {
# "port": 8765,
# "host": "",
# },
# "justMyCode": false,
# "redirectOutput": true,
# "logToFile": true,
# "pathMappings": [
# {
# "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
# "remoteRoot": "."
# }
# ]
# // "debugAdapterPath": "${workspaceFolder}/src/debugpy/adapter",
# },
# ]
# }
# The port numbers you use need to match - in `streamlit_debug.set()` and `launch.json`. It should NOT be the same port that
# streamlit is started on.
# When `flag=True` and `wait_for_client=True`, you'll must activate the "Python: debugpy Remote Attach" debug session
# from vs-code.
import streamlit as st
import logging
_DEBUG = False
def set(flag: bool=False, wait_for_client=False, host='localhost', port=8765):
global _DEBUG
_DEBUG = flag
# To prevent debugpy loading again and again because of
# Streamlit's execution model, we need to track debugging state
if 'debugging' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.debugging = None
if _DEBUG and not st.session_state.debugging:
import debugpy
if not debugpy.is_client_connected():
debugpy.listen((host, port))
if wait_for_client:'>>> Waiting for debug client attach... <<<')
debugpy.wait_for_client() # Only include this line if you always want to manually attach the debugger'>>> ...attached! <<<')
# debugpy.breakpoint()
if st.session_state.debugging == None:'>>> Remote debugging activated (host={host}, port={port}) <<<')
st.session_state.debugging = True
if not _DEBUG:
if st.session_state.debugging == None:'>>> Remote debugging in NOT active <<<')
st.session_state.debugging = False
# Ignore... e.g. for cloud deployments
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