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Created May 25, 2015 10:06
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Zeppelin + Cassandra
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLContext
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[8]").setAppName("dope-data-loader").set("", "")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val cc = new CassandraSQLContext(sc)
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
class MonthData(val prtt_no: Int,
val si_aa: Int,
val mm: Int,
val no_cd: String,
val no_part_mi: String,
val no_mis: String,
val no_int: String,
val ca_acoss: Double,
val ca_hors_acoss: Double,
val mt_mb_com: Double,
val nb_j_mis: Double,
val nb_hr_100t: Double,
val nb_hr_125t: Double,
val nb_hr_126t: Double,
val nb_hr_201t: Double,
val nb_hr_202t: Double,
val nb_hr_203t: Double,
val nb_hr_norm: Double,
val nb_hr_supl: Double,
val nb_hr_jfr: Double,
val nb_hr_paya: Double,
val der_tx_pay_100t: Double,
val der_tx_fc_100t: Double,
val nb_hr_norm_fc: Double,
val nb_hr_norm_fc_1: Double,
val nb_hr_supl_fc: Double,
val nb_hr_supl_fc_1: Double,
val nb_j_hr_norm_fc: Int,
val nb_j_hr_norm_fc_1: Int,
val nb_j_hr_supl_fc: Int,
val nb_j_hr_supl_fc_1: Int,
val nb_j_hr_norm_pa: Int,
val nb_j_hr_norm_pa_1: Int,
val nb_hr_trav: Double,
val mt_tot_fc: Double,
val mt_hr_norm_fc: Double,
val mt_201t_fc: Double,
val mt_202t_fc: Double,
val mt_203t_fc: Double,
val mt_hs_fc: Double,
val mt_hr_norm_hs: Double,
val mt_tot_pai: Double,
val mt_prm_sms: Double,
val mt_j_fr_fc: Double,
val mt_trs_fc: Double,
val dts_maj: DateTime,
val nb_hr_mis_ins: Double,
val si_aa_mm: Int,
val nm_gc: String // Client.nm_gc
) extends Serializable {}
val monthData = sc.cassandraTable[MonthData]("dope", "itgrme")
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