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Last active January 1, 2025 21:38
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# Summary
A few notes I took to see if I could use MacOS as Hypevirsor in a similar fashion to Linux
I wanted to see how few addons were needed instead of using Parallels, Virtual Box, VM Fsion etc.
The idea is to use QEMU, Hypervisor Framework ( and some custom host networking.
# Installations
brew install qemu (For controlling Hypervisor Framework)
brew install cdrtools (For making cloud init iso's) (For customer tap based networking)
# Helpful Links (Mostly for the networking stuff)
#Static Builds
## Creata disk
qemu-img create -f qcow2 server1.img 10G
## Install the OS onto the disk
qemu-system-x86_64 -M accel=hvf --cpu host -hda server1.img -cdrom ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso -boot d -m 2048
## Boot the server
qemu-system-x86_64 -M accel=hvf --cpu host server1.img -m 2048
## Boot the server with some custom networking
## This requires some additional configuration on the host to make work.
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -M accel=hvf --cpu host server1.img -m 2048 -netdev tap,id=tap0,script=no,downscript=no -device e1000,netdev=tap0
## This requires some scripts at /etc/qemu-ifup and /etc/qemu-ifdown
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -M accel=hvf --cpu host server1.img -m 2048 -net nic,model=virtio -net tap,br=/dev/bridge1,id=tap0
# Cloud Based Images
## Create the meta-data and user-data files (samples are the other files in this gist)
## Create the init iso
mkisofs -output init.iso -volid cidata -joliet -rock {user-data,meta-data}
## Boot the cloud image
qemu-system-x86_64 -M accel=hvf --cpu host -hda ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --cdrom init.iso -boot d -m 2048
## Working on making this work with custom networking this was a pain to do without having ssh access to login to the server and test stuff out.
## Once the network is all settled I can work on headless most and some automation to bring up and down the VM's via Ansible.
# sample cloud init meta-data file, everything below this line.
instance-id: k8sm1
local-hostname: k8sm1
# sample cloud init user-data file, everything below this line.
#obviously for demo purposes only, would want to inject ssh keys here.
#sets the ubuntu user password, root user password and allows password ssh vs key based ssh.
hostname: k8sm1
fqdn: k8sm1
ssh_pwauth: True
password: password
list: |
expire: False
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I guess this is for an Intel based Mac, is it? Or did it work on an M1 machine?

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aserhat commented Jun 20, 2021

@vaibhav-kaushal. This is from Intel based MAC.

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desrod commented Dec 26, 2021

I can also confirm, hvf support does not work in qemu under M1 chipsets using x86_64 emulation, using the version of qemu in brew (6.2.0) nor built from upstream git source with --enable-hvf. That support does get compiled into the aarch64 qemu binary, but not the x86_64 qemu binary.

Likewise UTM, adding the -accel hvf flag throws a warning, because the embedded qemu that ships with UTM, also does not support hvf.

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