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Last active July 20, 2018 15:49
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Implement an algorithm to find the middle element of a singly linked list.
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
* Implement an algorithm to find the middle element of a singly linked list.
* time complexity O(n)
* space complexity O(1)
* Created by Arun Sethia on 7/17/18.
trait Linklist {
* abstract Node
abstract class AbstractNode {
def data: Int
def next: AbstractNode
* Nil Node to indicate end of link list
object NilNode extends AbstractNode {
def data = -1
override def toString() = s"Nil"
def next = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tail of empty list")
* Node class
* @param data
* @param next
case class Node(data: Int, next: AbstractNode) extends AbstractNode {
override def toString() = s"data: ${data} next: ${next}"
* add new node in the beginning
* @param head
implicit class NodeAdd(head: AbstractNode) {
def prependItem(v: Int): AbstractNode = Node(v, head)
* find middle element of a singly linked list
* time complexity O(n)
* space complexity O(1)
* @param node
* @return
def findMiddleElement(node: AbstractNode) = {
def findMidElement(fastForwardPointer: AbstractNode, slowPointer: AbstractNode): AbstractNode = {
fastForwardPointer match {
//if not reached to the last one then check might be second last one,
// that will be the case in even elements in linked list
case NilNode => slowPointer
//if it has reached to last one then slow pointer is at middle
//send slow pointer as middle
case node: AbstractNode => match {
case NilNode => slowPointer //send slow pointer as middle
case _ => findMidElement(, //else keep finding
if (node == NilNode | ( == NilNode) | ( == NilNode)) {
} else {
findMidElement(node, node).data
* test cases for kth last element
class LinklistMiddleSpec extends WordSpec
with Matchers
with Linklist {
"find middle element " should {
"return mid element as 4" in {
val linkList: AbstractNode =
Node(1, NilNode)
assert(findMiddleElement(linkList) == 4)
"return mid element as 3" in {
val linkList: AbstractNode =
Node(1, NilNode)
assert(findMiddleElement(linkList) == 3)
"return mid element as 2" in {
val linkList: AbstractNode =
Node(1, NilNode)
assert(findMiddleElement(linkList) == 2)
"return mid element as 2 for even elements" in {
val linkList: AbstractNode =
Node(1, NilNode)
assert(findMiddleElement(linkList) == 2)
"return mid element as 1" in {
val linkList: AbstractNode =
Node(1, NilNode)
assert(findMiddleElement(linkList) == -1)
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