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Created January 13, 2012 18:32
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(ns twansit.server.handler)
(defmacro respond-with
[& body]
(let [args (or (last (filter vector? body)) ['req 'res])
res-code (or (last (filter integer? body)) 200)
headers (merge {:Content-Type "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
(or (last (filter map? body)) {}))
output (or (last (filter list? body))
(last (filter string? body)) "")
maybe-template? (if (list? output) true)]
`(fn [~@args]
(let [res# (second ~args)]
(.writeHeader res# ~res-code (utils/clj->js ~headers))
(if (and ~maybe-template? (.render (first [~@output])))
(let [template-fn# (nth [~@output] 0)
file# (nth [~@output] 1)
context# (nth [~@output] 2)]
(.render template-fn# file#
(utils/clj->js context#)
(utils/clj->js {})
(fn [err# output#]
(if err#
(.end res# (str err#))
(doto output#
(.addListener "data" #(.write res# %))
(.addListener "end" #(. res# (end)))))))) ;; Offending line. Changing the sexpr to ...#(.end res# nil)... works.
(.end res# ~output))))))
>>> javascript output for that line
b.addListener("end", function() {
return c.twansit.server.handler_SLASH_end() // Expecting 'return c.end()'
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