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Created February 4, 2021 14:19
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import csv
import math
# Function to write the split file
def create_split_file(split_rows, header, split_file_name):
with open(split_file_name, 'w') as split_file:
output = csv.writer(split_file, delimiter=",")
# Add header to rows if you want
split_rows.insert(0, header)
split_file_rows = 50000
file_path = "./YOUR_FILE_PATH.csv"
# Read and split the rows
split_rows = []
with open(file_path) as csv_file:
# Read the CSV file
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
# Loop over all rows to get the number of row and all values of the row
for row_num, row in enumerate(csv_reader):
# Get the header from the first row
if row_num == 0:
header = row
# If we have reached the split mark, create a split file
if row_num % split_file_rows == 0:
# Get the number of the split file and convert to string
file_suffix = str(int(row_num / split_file_rows))
# Create the name of the split file
split_file_name = "split_file_" + file_suffix + ".csv"
# Output the split file
create_split_file(split_rows, header, split_file_name)
# Make split rows start with this row
split_rows = [row]
# If we haven't reached the split point, add the row to the current split_row
# When it is the end of file then output all the leftover rows
file_suffix = str(math.ceil(row_num / split_file_rows))
split_file_name = "split_file_" + file_suffix + ".csv"
create_split_file(split_rows, header, split_file_name)
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