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Last active December 15, 2015 08:59
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BigML Tree - Adult Data

A sunburst visualization of a BigML decision tree built on the adult census dataset.

The initial center circle represents the root of the tree. Each outer circle contains the children of the inner circle's nodes. The number of training instances captured by a node determine its arc length (or its size in radians).

Clicking on a node will zoom in to the subtree. After zooming in, selecting the new center point will zoom out one level.

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139], [73.44348, 115], [75.50549, 91], [77.44231, 52], [80.28947, 76], [83.95, 20], [87.75, 4], [90, 43]], "mean": 38.58165}, "column_number": 0, "order": 0}, "000001": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "workclass", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "summary": {"missing_count": 1836, "categories": [["Private", 22696], ["Self-emp-not-inc", 2541], ["Local-gov", 2093], ["State-gov", 1298], ["Self-emp-inc", 1116], ["Federal-gov", 960], ["Without-pay", 14], ["Never-worked", 7]]}, "column_number": 1, "order": 1}, "000008": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "race", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "summary": {"missing_count": 0, "categories": [["White", 27816], ["Black", 3124], ["Asian-Pac-Islander", 1039], ["Amer-Indian-Eskimo", 311], ["Other", 271]]}, "column_number": 8, "order": 8}, "000009": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "sex", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "summary": {"missing_count": 0, "categories": [["Male", 21790], ["Female", 10771]]}, "column_number": 9, "order": 9}, "00000e": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "income", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "summary": {"missing_count": 0, "categories": [["<=50K", 24720], [">50K", 7841]]}, "column_number": 14, "order": 13}, "00000b": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "capital-loss", "datatype": "int16", "preferred": true, "summary": {"sum_squares": 5535171692, "splits": [3.83993], "missing_count": 0, "sum": 2842700, "median": 3.83993, "maximum": 4356, "minimum": 0, "standard_deviation": 402.96022, "variance": 162376.93781, "population": 32561, "bins": [[0, 31042], [155, 1], [213, 4], [323, 3], [419, 3], [630.6, 15], [810, 2], [880, 6], [974, 2], [1102.22222, 9], [1258, 4], [1340, 7], [1401.34483, 29], [1490.65714, 70], [1592.57059, 170], [1667.54795, 73], [1736.03125, 128], [1887.39083, 458], [1981.24706, 255], [2050.56757, 37], [2182.56818, 44], [2254.45, 40], [2340.36842, 19], [2411.77083, 96], [2567.19048, 21], [2754, 2], [2824, 10], [3004, 2], [3683, 2], [3770, 2], [3900, 2], [4356, 3]], "mean": 87.30383}, "column_number": 11, "order": 11}, "00000c": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "hours-per-week", "datatype": "int8", "preferred": true, "summary": {"sum_squares": 58207416, "splits": [14.47328, 19.73604, 23.54733, 28.33078, 30.47572, 34.89747, 36.67729, 39.22601, 39.42911, 39.5635, 39.67161, 39.76463, 39.84754, 39.92305, 39.99284, 40.06163, 40.1358, 40.21695, 40.30751, 40.4118, 40.53898, 40.71834, 43.5524, 44.94996, 45.87216, 49.50563, 49.98745, 50.44867, 55.03869, 59.86356, 64.6363], "missing_count": 0, "sum": 1316684, "median": 40.06163, "maximum": 99, "minimum": 1, "standard_deviation": 12.34743, "variance": 152.459, "population": 32561, "bins": [[1.61538, 52], [4.68664, 217], [7.84795, 171], [9.93919, 296], [12.33195, 241], [15.33662, 609], [17.72115, 104], [20.07504, 1306], [24.72979, 977], [27.74138, 116], [29.99394, 1156], [32.26627, 338], [35.14502, 1517], [37.7616, 625], [40.02811, 15510], [44.80961, 2269], [47.91343, 566], [50.0867, 2999], [55.007, 857], [57.62222, 45], [60.022, 1500], [64.94035, 285], [67.75, 16], [70.40659, 364], [74.98507, 67], [77.29412, 17], [80.0365, 137], [84.22414, 58], [86.33333, 3], [89.97297, 37], [95.8, 10], [98.88542, 96]], "mean": 40.43746}, "column_number": 12, "order": 12}, "00000a": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "capital-gain", "datatype": "int32", "preferred": true, "summary": {"sum_squares": 1813719045084, "splits": [5.30214], "missing_count": 0, "sum": 35089324, "median": 5.30214, "maximum": 99999, "minimum": 0, "standard_deviation": 7385.29208, "variance": 54542539.17841, "population": 32561, "bins": [[0.02291, 29855], [583.27778, 36], [1052.2963, 54], [1603.7037, 54], [2319.77922, 231], [3022.86667, 225], [3412.46763, 139], [3972.7218, 133], [4575.77419, 186], [5109.11976, 167], [5523.57895, 19], [6097, 1], [6459.96429, 28], [6829.52941, 34], [7305.35769, 260], [7691.17361, 288], [8614, 55], [9413.07692, 26], [10541.2459, 61], [11678, 2], [13550, 27], [14184.89552, 67], [15023.94318, 352], 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"numeric", "name": "age", "datatype": "int8", "preferred": true, "column_number": 0, "order": 0}, "000001": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "workclass", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "column_number": 1, "order": 1}, "000008": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "race", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "column_number": 8, "order": 8}, "000009": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "sex", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "column_number": 9, "order": 9}, "00000e": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "income", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "column_number": 14, "order": 14}, "00000b": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "capital-loss", "datatype": "int16", "preferred": true, "column_number": 11, "order": 11}, "00000c": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "hours-per-week", "datatype": "int8", "preferred": true, "column_number": 12, "order": 12}, "00000a": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "capital-gain", "datatype": "int32", "preferred": true, "column_number": 10, "order": 10}}, "support_threshold": 0, "split_criterion": "Information gain mix", "root": {"count": 32561, "confidence": 0.75452, "predicate": true, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 7841], ["<=50K", 24720]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 17585, "confidence": 0.93091, "predicate": {"operator": "!=", "field": "000005", "value": "Married-civ-spouse"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 1149], ["<=50K", 16436]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 17275, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.94747, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "00000a", "value": 7364}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 850], ["<=50K", 16425]]}}, {"count": 310, "confidence": 0.93759, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "00000a", "value": 7364}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 11], [">50K", 299]]}, "output": ">50K", "children": [{"count": 306, "confidence": 0.95354, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000000", "value": 20}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 7], [">50K", 299]]}, "output": ">50K", "children": [{"count": 18, "confidence": 0.43749, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "00000a", "value": 8296}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 6], [">50K", 12]]}, "output": ">50K", "children": [{"count": 10, "output": ">50K", "confidence": 0.72246, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000004", "value": 11}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 10]]}}, {"count": 8, "confidence": 0.40927, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000004", "value": 11}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 2], ["<=50K", 6]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 6, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.60966, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000001", "value": "Private"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 6]]}}, {"count": 2, "output": ">50K", "confidence": 0.34237, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000001", "value": "Local-gov"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": 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[">50K", 483]]}}, {"count": 9553, "confidence": 0.70096, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "00000a", "value": 5095}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 2769], ["<=50K", 6784]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 168, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.88657, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000003", "value": "5th-6th"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 11], ["<=50K", 157]]}}, {"count": 353, "confidence": 0.88127, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000003", "value": "7th-8th"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 30], ["<=50K", 323]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 312, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.8881, "predicate": {"operator": "!=", "field": "000001", "value": "Self-emp-inc"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 24], ["<=50K", 288]]}}, {"count": 11, "confidence": 0.28009, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000001", "value": "Self-emp-inc"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 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{"operator": "<=", "field": "00000b", "value": 1794}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 113], ["<=50K", 116]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 25, "confidence": 0.60869, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "00000c", "value": 32}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 5], ["<=50K", 20]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 13, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.7719, "predicate": {"operator": "!=", "field": "000007", "value": "Wife"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 13]]}}, {"count": 12, "confidence": 0.31951, "predicate": {"operator": "=", "field": "000007", "value": "Wife"}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 5], ["<=50K", 7]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 7, "output": ">50K", "confidence": 0.35893, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000002", "value": 264159}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 2], [">50K", 5]]}}, {"count": 5, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.56551, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000002", "value": 264159}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 5]]}}]}]}, {"count": 204, "confidence": 0.46101, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "00000c", "value": 32}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 96], [">50K", 108]]}, "output": ">50K", "children": [{"count": 102, "confidence": 0.5306, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000000", "value": 40}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 38], [">50K", 64]]}, "output": ">50K", "children": [{"count": 98, "output": ">50K", "confidence": 0.55466, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "00000a", "value": 3283}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 34], [">50K", 64]]}}, {"count": 4, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.5101, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "00000a", "value": 3283}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 4]]}}]}, {"count": 102, "confidence": 0.47175, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000000", "value": 40}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 44], ["<=50K", 58]]}, "output": "<=50K", "children": [{"count": 97, "output": "<=50K", "confidence": 0.48815, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000002", "value": 370433}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [[">50K", 40], ["<=50K", 57]]}}, {"count": 5, "output": ">50K", "confidence": 0.37553, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000002", "value": 370433}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["<=50K", 1], [">50K", 4]]}}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, "depth_threshold": 20}, "replacement": false}
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// Hacky label switch for regression trees
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case "<=":
if (summary[pred.field]) {
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