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Created November 29, 2015 10:14
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Efficiently get higher taxon names (family, order, and subdivision) when you know genus or family. Merges NCBI and ITIS database returns.
query_higher_taxa_classes <- function(species_list, known = "genus", order = c("dataframe", "unique_sp")) {
# Pass in a character vector of species, genera, families, or whatever (the search is flexible)
# Returns a dataframe with the columns: query, db, family, order, subdivision
# The dataframe returned is guaranteed to be in the same order as the species list passed in if order is "dataframe"
order = match.arg(order)
species_list = sub("^([^ ]*).*$","\\1",species_list) # just take the top level name before the space
# remove short names that clog the taxon query - replace later
which_short = which(nchar(species_list) < 3)
short_names = species_list[which_short]
species_list[which_short] = "TEMPTAXON"
# agglomerate to be more efficient
species_list_uniq = unique(species_list)
if (known == "genus") {
highertaxa <- tax_name(species_list_uniq,get=c("family", "order", "subdivision"), db = "both")
} else if (known == "family") {
highertaxa <- tax_name(species_list_uniq,get=c("order", "subdivision"), db = "both")
highertaxa_ncbi = subset(highertaxa, db == "ncbi")
highertaxa_itis = subset(highertaxa, db == "itis")
merdat <- merge(highertaxa_ncbi, highertaxa_ncbi, by="query") # seems self-documenting
merdat$family.y[$family.y) ] <- merdat$family.x[$family.y) ]
merdat$order.y[$order.y) ] <- merdat$order.x[$order.y) ]
merdat$subdivision.y[$subdivision.y) ] <- merdat$subdivision.x[$subdivision.y) ]
merdat = merdat[,c(1,grep("\\.x",names(merdat)))]
names(merdat) = sub("\\.x","",names(merdat))
highertaxa = merdat
species_list[which_short] = short_names # replace short names removed earlier
ret_df = join(data.frame(query = species_list), highertaxa, by = "query", type = "left") # NA's will be filled in for short names that don't have a match in highertaxa now
if (order == "dataframe") {
} else if (order == "unique_sp") {
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