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Created September 30, 2021 06:18
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A simple reverse-proxy server in Sanic using HTTPX streaming responses
"""Example Sanic Reverse Proxy"""
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
from sanic import Sanic, Request
from sanic.response import stream, HTTPResponse
import httpx
env = {"hostname-from": "localhost", "port-from": 8000, "port-to": 8080}
host = Sanic("host")
def setup(app, loop):
app.ctx.remote = f"http://{env['hostname-from']}:{env['port-from']}"
app.ctx.client = httpx.AsyncClient()
@host.route("/<path>", methods=("GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"))
async def proxy(request: Request, path):
app_ctx =
to = "/".join((app_ctx.remote, path))
headers = [(k, v) for k, v in request.headers.items() if k != "host"]
headers.append(("x-forwarded-for", request.conn_info.client))
resp_ctx =, to, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
httpx_resp = await resp_ctx.__aenter__()
if httpx_resp.status_code in (201, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308):
loc = httpx_resp.headers.get("location", "").split(",")[0]
if loc and "://" not in loc:
split_result = urlsplit(loc)
scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment = split_result
split_loc = netloc.split(":", 1)
if split_loc[0] == env['hostname-from'] and \
(len(split_loc) < 2 or split_loc[1] == str(env['port-from'])):
if len(split_loc) < 2:
if (scheme in ("https", "wss") and env['port-to'] != 443) or env['port-to'] != 80:
netloc = ":".join(, str(env['port-to']))
netloc =
elif (scheme in ("https", "wss") and env['port-to'] == 443) or env['port-to'] == 80:
netloc =
netloc = ":".join(, str(env['port-to']))
loc = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, url, query, None))
del httpx_resp.headers["location"]
httpx_resp.headers["location"] = loc
resp_headers = httpx_resp.headers.multi_items()
except Exception:
await resp_ctx.__aexit__(None, None, None)
if request.method in ("HEAD", "OPTIONS") or httpx_resp.status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308):
await httpx_resp.aclose()
return HTTPResponse(None, status=httpx_resp.status_code, headers=resp_headers)
async def passthrough(response):
async for chunk in httpx_resp.aiter_raw():
await, end_stream=False)
await httpx_resp.aclose()
return stream(passthrough, status=httpx_resp.status_code, headers=resp_headers)
@host.route("/", methods=("GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"))
async def index(request):
return await proxy(request, "")"", port=env['port-to'])
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