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Last active January 26, 2019 07:33
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# the following code snippet was provided by UCSD for Machine Learning Fundamentals on edX
@interact_manual( M=(100,2000,100), rounds=(1,10))
def comparison(M,rounds):
Shows the mean error of both the prototyping methods. As we randomly prototyping the data,
it makes sense to do it multiple times and take the mean error.
M(int): number of data points to be sampled
r(int): number of times random dataset chosen to calculate the mean error
printed values of mean error by both the methods
print("Comparing your prototype selection method to random prototype selection...")
rand_err, rand_std = mean_error(rand_prototypes, M, rounds)
my_err, my_std = mean_error( my_prototypes, M, rounds)
print;print("Number of prototypes:", M)
print("Number of trials:", rounds)
print("Error for random prototypes:", rand_err )
print("Error for your prototypes:", my_err );print
if rand_err < my_err:
print("RANDOM prototypes win!")
print("YOUR prototypes win!")
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