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Last active August 18, 2022 05:02
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Wordpress: Customizer options for logo upload, color schemes for background color,footer copyright text option.
* @ include file in theme
* Register different customizer options
* @Logo option
* @footer copyright option
* @Color schemes for navigation and footer
function customtheme_customize_register( $wp_customize ){
$wp_customize->add_section( 'image-options', array(
"title" => __("Image Options", "customtheme"),
"priority" => 160,
) );
$wp_customize->add_section( 'footer-options', array(
"title" => __("Footer Options", "customtheme"),
"priority" => 160,
) );
$wp_customize->add_section( 'bg-color-options', array(
"title" => __("Color Options", "customtheme"),
"description" => __( 'Change background color of header and footer' ),
"priority" => 160,
) );
* Transport has two types
* @postMessage = the changes will take place in real time as it happens without refresh
* @refresh = changes will take place after clicking "save" button and refresh
* @type = its value can be "theme_mod" or "option"
* @theme_mod = This options is sticked to theme.
// Add settings and control for logo upload
$wp_customize->add_setting("upload_logo", array(
"type" => "theme_mod", // or 'option'
"capability" => "edit_theme_options",
"default" => "",
"transport" => "postMessage",
'sanitize_callback' => '',
'sanitize_js_callback' => '' // Basically to_json.
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Media_Control(
$wp_customize, 'upload_logo',
array( // setting id
'label' => __( 'Upload Logo', 'customtheme' ),
'section' => 'image-options',
'priority' => 1,
) );
// Add copy right text in the footer
$wp_customize->add_setting("footer_copyright", array(
"default" => "&copy 2016 Business. Powered by Allshore.",
"transport" => "postMessage",
$wp_customize->add_control( 'footer_copyright', array( // setting id
'label' => __( 'Footer Copyright Text', 'customtheme' ),
'section' => 'footer-options', // section id
'type' => 'text',
'priority' => 1,
) );
######################### COLOR SCHEME SECTION #########################
// Add color scheme options, dropdown of different colors
$wp_customize->add_setting("bg_color_scheme", array(
"default" => "default",
"sanitize_callback" => "customtheme_sanitize_color_scheme",
"transport" => "postMessage",
$wp_customize->add_control( "bg_color_scheme", array(
"label" => __( "Background colors scheme", "customtheme" ),
"section" => "bg-color-options",
"type" => "select",
"choices" => customtheme_get_color_scheme_choices(),
'priority' => 1,
) );
$color_scheme = customtheme_get_color_scheme();
// Add page background color setting and control.
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'header_background_color', array(
'default' => $color_scheme[0],
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, 'header_background_color', array(
'label' => __( 'Navigation Background Color', 'customtheme' ),
'section' => 'bg-color-options',
'alpha' => true,
) ) );
// Add page background color setting and control.
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'footer_background_color', array(
'default' => $color_scheme[1],
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
'transport' => 'postMessage',
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Color_Control( $wp_customize, 'footer_background_color', array(
'label' => __( 'Footer Background Color', 'customtheme' ),
'section' => 'bg-color-options',
) ) );
if ( ! function_exists( 'customtheme_get_color_scheme_choices' ) ) :
* Retrieves an array of color scheme choices registered.
* @Dropdown for different color options, default,dark,gray,red,yellow
function customtheme_get_color_scheme_choices(){
$bg_color_schemes = customtheme_get_color_schemes();
$bg_color_scheme_control_options = array();
foreach ( $bg_color_schemes as $color_scheme => $value ) {
$bg_color_scheme_control_options[ $color_scheme ] = $value['label'];
return $bg_color_scheme_control_options;
if ( ! function_exists( 'customtheme_get_color_schemes' )):
* The default schemes include 'default', 'dark', 'gray', 'red', and 'yellow'.
* @param array $schemes {
* Associative array of color schemes data.
* You can add your own color using add_filter
function customtheme_get_color_schemes(){
return apply_filters( 'customtheme_color_schemes', array(
'default' => array(
'label' => __( 'Default', 'customtheme' ),
'colors' => array(
'dark' => array(
'label' => __( 'Dark', 'customtheme' ),
'colors' => array(
'gray' => array(
'label' => __( 'Gray', 'customtheme' ),
'colors' => array(
'red' => array(
'label' => __( 'Red', 'customtheme' ),
'colors' => array(
'yellow' => array(
'label' => __( 'Yellow', 'customtheme' ),
'colors' => array(
) );
* Enqueue javascript file for real time changes
* put theme-customizer.js file in js folder of theme
function customtheme_customizer_live_preview() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'custom_css_preview', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/theme-customizer.js', array( 'customize-preview', 'jquery' ) );
wp_localize_script( 'custom_css_preview', 'colorScheme', customtheme_get_color_schemes() ); // color schemes global variable
wp_localize_script( 'custom_css_preview', 'ajax_object',
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'customtheme_customizer_live_preview' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'customtheme_sanitize_color_scheme' ) ) :
* Handles sanitization color schemes.
function customtheme_sanitize_color_scheme( $value ) {
$color_schemes = customtheme_get_color_scheme_choices();
if ( ! array_key_exists( $value, $color_schemes ) ) {
return 'default';
return $value;
endif; // customtheme_sanitize_color_scheme
if ( ! function_exists( 'customtheme_get_color_scheme' ) ) :
* Retrieves the current color scheme.
function customtheme_get_color_scheme() {
$color_scheme_option = get_theme_mod( 'bg_color_scheme', 'default' );
$color_schemes = customtheme_get_color_schemes();
if ( array_key_exists( $color_scheme_option, $color_schemes ) ) {
return $color_schemes[ $color_scheme_option ]['colors'];
return $color_schemes['default']['colors'];
endif; // customtheme_get_color_scheme
* Update css in header.
function customtheme_update_background_css(){
<style type="text/css">
.navbar.navbar-default { background-color: <?php echo get_theme_mod('header_background_color'); ?>; }
footer { background-color: <?php echo get_theme_mod('footer_background_color'); ?>; }
add_action( 'wp_head', 'customtheme_update_background_css' );
* Logo upload return attachment id, then id is passed to this function through ajax.
* On success return uploaded logo.
function update_customizer_options() {
// Handle request then generate response using WP_Ajax_Response
$att_id = $_POST['attachment_id'];
if( $att_id!='' ){
$img_src = wp_get_attachment_image( $att_id, 'medium' );
echo $img_src;
add_action( 'wp_ajax_update-logo-customizer', 'update_customizer_options' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_update-logo-customizer', 'update_customizer_options' );
* Create a seperate js file "theme-customizer.js", add below code to that file and add file to the theme js folder.
wp.customize("upload_logo", function(value) {
value.bind(function(newval) {
* @newval = attachment id of the image
* @upload_logo = Target id of your logo
update_image_id ( newval, 'upload_logo' );
} );
wp.customize("footer_copyright", function(value) {
value.bind(function(newval) {
} );
wp.customize("bg_color_scheme", function(value) {
value.bind(function(newval) {
var colors = colorScheme[newval].colors;
var color = colors[0];
wp.customize( "header_background_color" ).set( color );
wp.customize( "footer_background_color" ).set( color );
} );
wp.customize("header_background_color", function(value) {
value.bind(function(newval) {
$( '.navbar.navbar-default' ).css( {
'background-color': newval
} );
} );
wp.customize("footer_background_color", function(value) {
value.bind(function(newval) {
$( 'footer' ).css( {
'background-color': newval
} );
} );
function update_image_id (id, target_id){
var ajax_url = ajax_object.ajaxurl
url : ajax_url,
type : 'post',
data : {
action : 'update-logo-customizer',
attachment_id : id,
target_id : target_id
success: function( response ){
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