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Last active November 24, 2024 10:40
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Laravel Jetstream Dark Mode Switch
<div class="flex justify-center">
<div class="relative">
class="flex text-md border-2 border-transparent rounded-full focus:outline-none focus:border-gray-300 transition"
v-if="option === 'light'"
class="h-6 w-6"
v-if="option === 'dark'"
class="h-6 w-6"
v-if="option === 'system'"
class="h-6 w-6"
class="absolute right-0 mt-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-b shadow-lg dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 rounded"
class="darkflex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 block w-full text-left cursor-pointer py-2 px-3 focus:outline-none focus:ring rounded truncate whitespace-nowrap text-gray-500 active:text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-500 dark:hover:text-gray-400 dark:active:text-gray-600 flex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1"
<SunIcon class="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true"/>
<span class="ml-2">Light</span>
class="flex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 block w-full text-left cursor-pointer py-2 px-3 focus:outline-none focus:ring rounded truncate whitespace-nowrap text-gray-500 active:text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-500 dark:hover:text-gray-400 dark:active:text-gray-600 flex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1"
<MoonIcon class="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true"/>
<span class="ml-2">Dark</span>
class="flex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1 hover:bg-gray-50 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 block w-full text-left cursor-pointer py-2 px-3 focus:outline-none focus:ring rounded truncate whitespace-nowrap text-gray-500 active:text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-500 dark:hover:text-gray-400 dark:active:text-gray-600 flex themeColor-center hover:bg-gray-100 py-1"
<ComputerDesktopIcon class="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true"/>
<span class="ml-2">System</span>
<script setup>
import {ref, onMounted, watch} from 'vue';
import {SunIcon, MoonIcon, ComputerDesktopIcon} from '@heroicons/vue/20/solid';
const systemDarkMode = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
const option = ref(localStorage.getItem('option'));
const isDropdownOpen = ref(false);
const toggleDropdown = () => {
isDropdownOpen.value = !isDropdownOpen.value;
const setOption = (selectedOption) => {
localStorage.setItem('option', selectedOption);
option.value = selectedOption
isDropdownOpen.value = false;
const setTheme = () => {
if (option.value === 'system') {
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? toggleDarkClass('dark') : toggleDarkClass('light')
} else {
option.value === 'dark' ? toggleDarkClass('dark') : toggleDarkClass('light')
const toggleDarkClass = (className) => {
if (className === 'dark') {
} else {
watch(option, setTheme);
onMounted(() => {
if (!option.value) {
systemDarkMode.addListener((event) => {
if (option.value === 'system') {
if (event.matches) {
} else {
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systemDarkMode.addEventListener('change',(event) => {
    if (option.value === 'system') {
        if (event.matches) {
        } else {

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