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Created January 22, 2023 09:35
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Generic Sorted Type - TypeScript 4.9.4
* Sorted - Utility Type
* Takes a tuple of unsorted numbers and returns a sorted tuple of the
* same values in ascending order. Can handle negative as well as
* duplicate numbers.
* This works by destructuring the list into [List[0], ...List.slice(1)]
* sorting the list slice recursively until the slice is only one element.
* Then as we return we insert List[0] at each level into a sorted list.
* To change the order please see the IsGreater type above. Note that
* this will not work for floating point numbers (yet).
type Sorted<List extends number[]> =
List['length'] extends 0 ? [] :
List['length'] extends 1 ? List :
List extends [infer First extends number, ...infer Rest extends number[]] ?
InsertElement<First, Sorted<Rest>>
: List
type SortedReadonly<List extends readonly number[]> = Readonly<Sorted<[...List]>>
type SortedUnknown<List extends unknown> =
List extends readonly number[] ? SortedReadonly<List> :
List extends number[] ? Sorted<List> :
List extends number ? [List] :
* Compare
* returns true if A is greater than B otherwise return never, swap to
* change sorting order.
* NOTE: negative -0's lose their sign comparing this way.
type Compare<
A extends number,
B extends number,
AbsValueA extends number = IsNegative<A>,
AbsValueB extends number = IsNegative<B>
[AbsValueA] extends [never] ?
[AbsValueB] extends [never] ? IsGreater<A, B> : true :
// check if B has a value then we know [-A, B] => never
[AbsValueB] extends [never] ? never
// otherwise we know -A, -B so we check IsGreater<Abs(B), Abs(A)>
: IsGreater<AbsValueB, AbsValueA>
// returns length of tuple T
type Length<T extends any[]> = T['length']
// returns a tuple of size S
type Tuple<S extends number, T extends any[]=[]> =
Length<T> extends S ? T : Tuple<S, [...T, any]>
// returns absolute value if a number is negative otherwise never
type IsNegative<A extends number, S extends string = `${A}`> =
S extends `-${infer V extends number}` ? V : never
// returns true if A is greater than B otherwise never
type IsGreater<A extends number, B extends number,
BoxA extends any[] = Tuple<A>, BoxB extends any[] = Tuple<B>> =
BoxA extends [...(BoxB), ...infer U] ?
true : never
// returns a sorted tuple of [A and B] based on IsGreater
type SortPair<A extends number, B extends number> =
[Compare<A, B>] extends [never] ?
[A, B] : [B, A]
// returns a tuple of A and B in ascending order
// type Compare<A extends number, B extends number> =
// [IsGreater<A, B>] extends [never] ?
// [A, B] : [B, A]
// insert an element into a sorted list in ascending order
type InsertElement<Item extends number, List extends number[]=[]>=
List['length'] extends 0 ?
[Item] :
List['length'] extends 1 ?
SortPair<Item, List[0]> :
List extends [infer First extends number, ...infer Rest extends number[]] ?
[Compare<Item, First>] extends [never] ?
[Item, First, ...Rest] :
[First, ...InsertElement<Item, Rest>]
: never
/* * * * * example usage * * * * */
const data1 = [6, 1, 5, 3, 2] as const
const data2 = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] as const
// example function which requires the input to be a sorted list of numbers
// which could be used to perform a binary search or some other operation on sorted numbers
function exampleInputShouldBeSorted<T extends readonly number[]>(sortedInput: SortedReadonly<T>) {}
function exampleOutputShouldBeSorted<T>(unsorted: number[]): SortedUnknown<T> {
return unsorted.sort((a, b) => a - b)
const output1 = exampleInputShouldBeSorted(someUnsortedData)
const output2 = exampleInputShouldBeSorted(sortedData)
const data3 = [6, 1, 5, 3, 2] as const
const data4 = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] as const
const output3 = exampleOutputShouldBeSorted(data3)
const output4 = exampleOutputShouldBeSorted(data4)
/* * * * * test cases * * * * */
type IsN1 = IsNegative<(-1)>
// ^?
type IsN2 = IsNegative<(-10)>
// ^?
type IsN3 = IsNegative<(3)>
// ^?
const ReadOnlyItems = [5, 3, 0, 6, 1, 2] as const
type TestDataSorted = SortedReadonly<typeof ReadOnlyItems>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest0 = Sorted<[]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest1 = Sorted<[0]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest2 = Sorted<[-0, -1, 0, -7]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest3 = Sorted<[1, 5, 4]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest4 = Sorted<[2, 1, 3]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest5 = Sorted<[5, 2, 1, 3, 4]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest6 = Sorted<[1, 6, 1, 3, -1, 6, 2, 3, 5]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest7 = Sorted<[9, 8, -7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, -1, 1]>
// ^?
type MergeSortTest8 = Sorted<[-0, -1, 0, -7]>
// ^?
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