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Last active July 11, 2019 19:53
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Algoritmos de Alocação de Memória
# source:
def print_allocation(n, allocation, process_size):
print("Process No.\tProcess Size\tBlock no.")
for i in range(n):
print("%d\t\t%d\t\t" % (i+1, process_size[i]),
allocation[i] + 1 if allocation[i] != -1
else "Not Allocated", sep=''
def first_fit(block_size, process_size):
m = len(block_size)
n = len(process_size)
allocation = [-1] * n
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if block_size[j] >= process_size[i]:
allocation[i] = j
block_size[j] -= process_size[i]
print_allocation(n, allocation, process_size)
def best_fit(block_size, process_size):
m = len(block_size)
n = len(process_size)
allocation = [-1] * n
for i in range(n):
best_idx = -1
for j in range(m):
if block_size[j] >= process_size[i]:
if best_idx == -1:
best_idx = j
elif block_size[best_idx] > block_size[j]:
best_idx = j
if best_idx != -1:
allocation[i] = best_idx
block_size[best_idx] -= process_size[i]
print_allocation(n, allocation, process_size)
def worst_fit(block_size, process_size):
# stores block id of the block allocated to a process
# initially no block is assigned to any process
m = len(block_size)
n = len(process_size)
allocation = [-1] * n
# pick each process and find suitable blocks
# according to its size ad assign to it
for i in range(n):
wst_idx = -1 # (w)or(s)(t) (i)ndex
for j in range(m):
# if process fits in avaiable block
if block_size[j] >= process_size[i]:
if wst_idx == -1:
# pre-alocate this, because we don't know if we'll
# find another block in the list
wst_idx = j
elif block_size[wst_idx] < block_size[j]:
# if the last allocated block is smallar than the
# current candidate, then we'll opt to this larger
# one: this is the key part of wost-fit
wst_idx = j
if wst_idx != -1:
# if we could find a block for current process
# allocate block j to p[i] process
allocation[i] = wst_idx
# reduce available memory in this block
block_size[wst_idx] -= process_size[i]
print_allocation(n, allocation, process_size)
if __name__ == '__main__':
process_size = [13,14,6,19]
block_size = [6,14,19,13]
avail_functions = [first_fit, best_fit, worst_fit]
selected_fun = 1
avail_functions[selected_fun](block_size, process_size)
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