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Created November 27, 2019 14:20
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import UIKit
protocol CalendarDelegate: class {
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, willDisplay year: Int)
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, didSelect date: Date)
func calendarShouldChangeYear(_ calendar: Calendar) -> Bool
protocol CalendarDataSource {
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, eventsFor date: Date) -> [String]
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, add event: String, to date: Date)
protocol ReminderPresenting {
func yearChanged(to year: Int)
class Calendar {
var delegate: CalendarDelegate?
var dataSource: CalendarDataSource?
var selectedDate: Date = Date()
var currentYear: Int = 2019
func changeDate(to date: Date) {
selectedDate = date
delegate?.calendar(self, didSelect: date)
if let items = dataSource?.calendar(self, eventsFor: date) {
print("Today's events are...")
items.forEach { print($0) }
} else {
print("There are no events for today.")
func add(event: String) {
dataSource?.calendar(self, add: event, to: selectedDate)
func changeYear(to year: Int) {
guard delegate?.calendarShouldChangeYear(self) ?? true else {
delegate?.calendar(self, willDisplay: year)
currentYear = year
class Reminders: ReminderPresenting {
var title = "Year: 2019"
var calendar = Calendar()
init() {
let delegate = RemindersCalendarDelegate()
delegate.parentController = self
calendar.delegate = delegate
calendar.dataSource = RemindersCalendarDataSource()
// MARK: - ReminderPresenting
func yearChanged(to year: Int) {
title = "Year: \(year)"
class RemindersCalendarDataSource: CalendarDataSource {
// MARK: - CalendarDataSource
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, eventsFor date: Date) -> [String] {
return [ "Throw away trash", "Wash the dishes" ]
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, add event: String, to date: Date) {
print("You are going to \(event) on \(date)")
class RemindersCalendarDelegate: CalendarDelegate {
var parentController: ReminderPresenting?
// MARK: - CalendarDelegate
func calendarShouldChangeYear(_ calendar: Calendar) -> Bool {
return true
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, willDisplay year: Int) {
parentController?.yearChanged(to: year)
func calendar(_ calendar: Calendar, didSelect date: Date) {
print("You selected \(date)")
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