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Created October 11, 2015 02:43
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Playing with RemoteFile class and pefile library while researching
import sys
from pefile import PE
from impacket.smbconnection import SMBConnection, FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_WRITE_DATA
class RemoteFile:
def __init__(self, smbConnection, fileName, share = 'ADMIN$'):
self.__smbConnection = smbConnection
self.__fileName = fileName
self.__share = share
self.__tid = self.__smbConnection.connectTree(share)
self.__fid = None
self.__currentOffset = 0
self.__fileLen = None
def __len__(self):
# Get's the file len
if self.__fileLen is None:
self.__fileLen = self.__smbConnection.queryInfo(self.__tid, self.__fid)['EndOfFile']
return self.__fileLen
def __getitem__(self, index):
# Get's portions of file
# Uncomment this if you want to debug what's going on
#print index
if isinstance(index, int):
# Asking for a single byte, odd
offset = index
bytesToRead = 1
elif isinstance(index, slice):
# Asking many byte, calculating and returning
offset = index.start
if index.stop == sys.maxint:
# We have to read till the end of file
bytesToRead = self.__len__()
bytesToRead = index.stop - index.start
return self.__smbConnection.readFile(self.__tid, self.__fid, offset=offset, bytesToRead=bytesToRead)
def open(self, desiredAccess = FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA):
self.__fid = self.__smbConnection.openFile(self.__tid, self.__fileName, desiredAccess=desiredAccess)
self.__fileLen = self.__smbConnection.queryInfo(self.__tid, self.__fid)['EndOfFile']
def seek(self, offset, whence):
# Implement whence, for now it's always from the beginning of the file
if whence == 0:
self.__currentOffset = offset
def read(self, bytesToRead):
if bytesToRead > 0:
data = self.__smbConnection.readFile(self.__tid, self.__fid, self.__currentOffset, bytesToRead)
self.__currentOffset += len(data)
return data
return ''
def close(self, delete=True):
if self.__fid is not None:
self.__smbConnection.closeFile(self.__tid, self.__fid)
if delete is True:
self.__smbConnection.deleteFile(self.__share, self.__fileName)
self.__fid = None
def tell(self):
return self.__currentOffset
def __str__(self):
return "\\\\%s\\ADMIN$\\%s" % (self.__smbConnection.getRemoteHost(), self.__fileName)
s = SMBConnection('', '')
s.login('Administrator', 'Admin123456')
remoteFile = RemoteFile(s, 'SYSTEM32\\kernel32.dll', 'ADMIN$' )
pe = PE(data = remoteFile)
print pe.dump_info()
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