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Created April 29, 2024 20:10
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Summary User
"code": 200,
"version_app": "v3.1",
"api_version": "20240115.1",
"profile_info": {
"nrp": "9002120",
"nama": "Asep Septiadi",
"no_telp": "0812",
"email": "[email protected]",
"license_user": "9871711940211582",
"set_shift_user": "Shift 1",
"id_user_fitbit": "BW4HXJ",
"token_access_fitbit": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyM1JNTlEiLCJzdWIiOiJCVzRIWEoiLCJpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iLCJzY29wZXMiOiJ3aHIgd3BybyB3bnV0IHdzbGUgd3NvYyB3YWN0IHdveHkgd3RlbSB3d2VpIHdzZXQgd3JlcyB3bG9jIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE0NDQwODQyLCJpYXQiOjE3MTQ0MTIwNDJ9.CtmOWYm2J3-M8qWljFL4StMB1_HzlwI4o6neUgMdwZg",
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"expired_token_fitbit": "2024-04-30 08:34:02",
"last_update": "2024-04-30 00:34:02",
"site": "Trial HO Pama"
"device_pair": {
"name_of_device": "Fitbit Charge 6",
"mac_address": "7DF0B79E89C3",
"last_sync": "2024-04-26 17:08:47"
"code_confirmation": {
"cuti": "888111",
"clear_data": "-",
"absen_ulang": "-"
"data_sleep": {
"todays": {
"date": "30 April 2024",
"status_ftw": true,
"waktu_ftw": "-",
"zona": "-",
"total_sleep": {
"jam": "-",
"menit": "-"
"detail_sleep": {
"malam": {
"jam": "-",
"menit": "-"
"siang": {
"jam": "-",
"menit": "-"
"cuti": false,
"start_cuti": "-",
"end_cuti": "-"
"pola_tidur": {
"pola": "7 Hari Terakhir",
"graph": {
"total_tidur": {
"jam": 7,
"menit": 34
"rata_rata_tidur": {
"jam": 1,
"menit": 4
"list_graph": [
"day": 1,
"date": "30 Apr",
"persentase": 0,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 0,
"menit": 0
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"date": "29 Apr",
"persentase": 0,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 0,
"menit": 0
"day": 3,
"date": "28 Apr",
"persentase": 0,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 0,
"menit": 0
"day": 4,
"date": "27 Apr",
"persentase": 0,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 0,
"menit": 0
"day": 5,
"date": "26 Apr",
"persentase": 125,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 4,
"menit": 57
"day": 6,
"date": "25 Apr",
"persentase": 62.5,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 2,
"menit": 35
"day": 7,
"date": "24 Apr",
"persentase": 0,
"total_sleep": {
"jam": 0,
"menit": 1
"sleep_quality": [
"category": "Awake",
"percentage": 0,
"total_jam": 0,
"total_menit": 0
"category": "REM",
"percentage": 0,
"total_jam": 0,
"total_menit": 0
"category": "Light Sleep",
"percentage": 0,
"total_jam": 0,
"total_menit": 0
"category": "Deep Sleep",
"percentage": 0,
"total_jam": 0,
"total_menit": 0
"heart_rate": {
"min": 67,
"max": 71,
"avg": 68
"spo2": {
"min": 94,
"max": 99,
"avg": 97
"status_subs": "active",
"banner_dashboard": ""
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