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Ary Borenszweig asterite

  • NoRedInk
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
View GitHub Profile
asterite /
Last active February 21, 2025 20:06
Generically choose a weight option
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
pub struct Config<T, const N: usize> {
pub options_with_weights: [(T, usize); N],
pub total_weight: usize,
impl<T: Copy, const N: usize> Config<T, N> {
pub const fn new(options_with_weights: [(T, usize); N]) -> Self {
asterite /
Created January 4, 2023 18:01
Compute dependency sets
def affected_files(file, dependencies)
tracked_files = Set(String).new
track(file, dependencies, tracked_files)
def track(file, dependencies, tracked_files)
return unless tracked_files.add?(file)
dependencies[file].each do |to|
asterite / move_deployed_linear_issues.rb
Last active February 27, 2023 15:45
A Ruby script that moves Linear issues to staging/production columns
# Make sure to configure this script!
# 1. Change `TEAM_LINEAR` properties below to match your Linear team
# 2. Optionally add more teams
# 3. Change the value of `DEPLOYED_TO_STAGING_GIT_TAG` to the tag/branch you use for deploys to staging
# 4. Change the value of `DEPLOYED_TO_PRODUCTION_GIT_TAG` to the tag/branch you use for deploys to production
# Usage:
# LINEAR_API_KEY=... GITHUB_API_KEY=... ruby move_deployed_linear_issues.rb
# Adding new teams (change "LinearTeam" to your team name):
require "benchmark"
module Parser(T)
def self.char(a : Char)
time = Time.monotonic
gcfile ="chry_multiplied.fa")
at = 0
gc = 0
while true
# Peek the IO's buffer
peek = gcfile.peek
asterite /
Created January 20, 2021 12:05
Plays "Secret Code" from Clubhouse Games 51 (Spanish only)
require "colorize"
enum Color
require "benchmark"
RANGE = 3..7
a = 1
v = ARGV[0].to_i
Benchmark.ips do |x|"constant") do
case v
# This Crystal source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an
# extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
# Inputs are single values N, or ranges N1 and N2, of 64-bits, 0 -- 2^64 - 1.
# Output is the number of twin primes <= N, or in range N1 to N2; the last
# twin prime value for the range; and the total time of execution.
# This code was developed on a System76 laptop with an Intel I7 6700HQ cpu,
# 2.6-3.5 GHz clock, with 8 threads, and 16GB of memory. Parameter tuning
# probably needed to optimize for other hardware systems (ARM, PowerPC, etc).
# This Crystal source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an
# extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
# Inputs are single values N, or ranges N1 and N2, of 64-bits, 0 -- 2^64 - 1.
# Output is the number of twin primes <= N, or in range N1 to N2; the last
# twin prime value for the range; and the total time of execution.
# This code was developed on a System76 laptop with an Intel I7 6700HQ cpu,
# 2.6-3.5 GHz clock, with 8 threads, and 16GB of memory. Parameter tuning
# probably needed to optimize for other hardware systems (ARM, PowerPC, etc).
# This Crystal source file is a multiple threaded implementation to perform an
# extremely fast Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ) to find Twin Primes <= N.
# Inputs are single values N, or ranges N1 and N2, of 64-bits, 0 -- 2^64 - 1.
# Output is the number of twin primes <= N, or in range N1 to N2; the last
# twin prime value for the range; and the total time of execution.
# This code was developed on a System76 laptop with an Intel I7 6700HQ cpu,
# 2.6-3.5 GHz clock, with 8 threads, and 16GB of memory. Parameter tuning
# probably needed to optimize for other hardware systems (ARM, PowerPC, etc).