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Last active April 27, 2017 11:00
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Save astrojuanlu/9082229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IPython cell magic to check for PEP8 using
# IPython magic to check for PEP8 compliance.
# Author: Juan Luis Cano <[email protected]>
"""IPython magic to check for PEP8 compliance.
To use it, type
```%load_ext pep8magic```
and then
if 6*9==42:print("Something fundamentally wrong..." )
to see PEP8 failures.
import pep8 as _pep8
def pep8(line, cell):
lines = cell.splitlines(True)
lines[-1] += '\n'
fchecker = _pep8.Checker(lines=lines,
report = fchecker.check_all()
if report == 0:
print("This code is PEP8-compliant!")
def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
ipython.register_magic_function(pep8, magic_kind='cell')
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To test it:

%load_ext pep8magic

And then:


print("This code passes!")

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wonbyte commented Mar 29, 2015

Thank you!

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