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Jon Anning astromoose

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am astromoose on github.
  • I am astromoose ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FCF3 F09C 9420 4F1A F1FA E710 355D 7DE1 2E82 08C8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

set -x
echo "Running"
echo "Installing jq"
sudo curl --silent -Lo /bin/jq
sudo chmod +x /bin/jq
echo "Setting timezone to UTC"
astromoose /
Created June 21, 2017 09:17 — forked from Kyle-Falconer/
Proxy Autostart/auto-configure shell script for Mac OS 10.11.5
# Proxy Autostart/auto-configure for Mac OS 10.11.5
# written by Kyle Falconer <[email protected]> June 2016
# cntlm was setup using the instructions found at:
# cntlm autostarts using launchctl
# see the plist at
astromoose / gist:6cee5887bf312be413a7
Created May 6, 2015 19:07
Augustus Chambers' Notes

Augustus Chambers notes

It's 1936!

  • Simon Devere
  • Giles Waddington

King's Street Run - our local

The Ministry 9 - Montellian House, in Surrey

astromoose / gist:1351476
Created November 9, 2011 13:50 — forked from bpoweski/gist:974870
Route53 gem chef recipe
define :cname_record, :hostname => nil do
name = params[:name]
hostname = params[:hostname]
subdomain = name.split(".").tap(&:shift).join(".")
remote_file "/home/#{node[:owner_name]}/.route53" do
source "route53.yml"
cookbook 'supply_chain_db'
owner node[:owner_name]
group node[:owner_name]
astromoose / update_dns.rake
Created November 9, 2011 13:49 — forked from mpasternacki/update_dns.rake
Rake task to update Amazon Route53 DNS from by Chef node search
# -*- ruby -*-
# Needs following parameters configured in rake.rb:
# DNS_DOMAIN: domain for which to set entries, including trailing dot
# (e.g. "")
# DNS_ATTRIBUTE: attribute containing hostname to CNAME to, defaults
# to 'fqdn'; for EC2, use "ec2.public_hostname"
# DNS_ENTRIES: hash mapping hostname to node search query,
# e.g. {'buildbot' => 'recipes:buildbot', 'monitoring' =>
# 'roles:monitoring'}
astromoose / gist:1205823
Created September 9, 2011 09:20
MPI Kinect&Vision Programmers wanted
The Max Planck Society has established a new MPI for Intelligent
Systems to understand the organizing principles of autonomous systems
by combining theory, computation, material science and biology. The
Perceiving Systems Department in Tübingen seeks for the earliest
possible date
Vision, Graphics and Kinect Programmers
We are looking for several highly talented programmers with strong
technical knowledge of computer vision and graphics to support basic