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Created January 31, 2012 21:34
Lion's DigitalColor Meter defaults to displaying color values as decimals instead of hex. Loading DigitalColor Meter via this AppleScript remedies that.
-- Mountain Lion (10.8) fixed this oversight. The DigitalColor Meter now remembers it's settings on exit.
-- DigitalColor Meter defaults to displaying color values in decimal and will not remember hexidecimal preferences on close. So this script launches the app and tells it to display values in hex. It is meant to be launched via QuickSilver or a launcher.
-- Checks to see if System Preferences > Universal Access > Enable access for assistive devices is checked
-- This option is required for "System Events" to use the keystroke and key code commands.
-- If it is not checked, your password is required to make the change
tell application "System Events" to if not UI elements enabled then
set UI elements enabled to true
end if
-- Brings the app to the front and launches it if it's not running
tell application "DigitalColor Meter" to activate
-- Tells DigitalColor Meter to display values in hex by navigating through the menubar to change the "Display Values" preference
tell application "System Events"
click menu item "as Hexadecimal" of ((process "DigitalColor Meter")'s (menu bar 1)'s (menu bar item "View")'s (menu "View")'s (menu item "Display Values")'s (menu "Display Values"))
end tell
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Mavericks note: For this to compile in Mavericks, permission needs to be given to the AppleScript editor:
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility > AppleScript
Thanks to @afeld for the shell tip 👍

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