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Created August 4, 2014 10:59
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Simple sound effect module for AngularJS
# This is Simple Audio Plugin for AngularJS
# service
class AngularAudio
constructor:() ->
@cache = {}
play:(id) ->
audio = null
if (@cache[id]) # check cache
audio = @cache[id]
else # load from DOM
audio = document.querySelector(id)
@cache[id] = audio
if audio
playSE:(audio) ->
# Assign modules
_module = angular.module('ngAudio', [])
_module.directive('ngAudio', ($compile, ngAudio) ->
return {
restrict: 'AE'
controller: ($scope, $attrs, $element) ->
$element.on('click', (e) ->$attrs.ngAudio)
_module.service('ngAudio', AngularAudio)
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