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Created February 2, 2015 20:48
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TeamMaker Main Class
/*Alex Taipale, 2014.01.18
Run with Java 1.6 and openCSV-2.3
Built to determine equally matched teams for Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournaments
from an CSV file giving 4 columns of data in the order: 1. Player Number
2. Rating (1-5) 3. Height (cm) 4. M or F. Done without modifying the original
file. */
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
//running old version of openCSV because I am on an old computer that
//only supports Java 1.6
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class TeamMaker
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//Build reader instance
//Read data.csv
//Default separator is comma
//Default quote character is double quote
//Start reading from line number 2 (line numbers start from zero)
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("sample_player_data.csv"), ',' , '"' , 1);
//Read CSV line by line creating and adding Player objects to my list
String[] nextLine;
List<Player> allRows = new ArrayList<Player>();
while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
if (nextLine != null) {
allRows.add(new Player(Integer.parseInt(nextLine[0]), Double.parseDouble(nextLine[1]), Double.parseDouble(nextLine[2]), nextLine[3]));
//Sort the list using my Player Comparator, ranking first by gender, then
//rating, then height
Collections.sort(allRows, new Player());
//Print out sorted list of players
System.out.println("Sorted List of All Players:");
for(Player a : allRows) {
System.out.println(a.GetPlayerNumber() + ": " + a.GetPlayerRating() +
" " + a.GetPlayerHeight() + " " + a.GetPlayerGender());
//Eventually change to input from scanner for desired size of team.
//Right now assume 5 people per team
//Find number of teams that I can make
int NumberOfTeams = allRows.size()/5;
System.out.println("Number of Teams: " + NumberOfTeams);
//Make a List of Maps to store my teams as they sort
List<Map<String, Player>> TeamsSorted = new ArrayList<Map<String, Player>>();
int j = 0; //to iterate through entire list of players allRows
int positionInMap = 1; //tracks which while loop round we are on
while(j<allRows.size()) {
for(int i = 0; i<NumberOfTeams; i++) {
//create empty teams if it is the first iteration
if(j < NumberOfTeams) {
TeamsSorted.add(new LinkedHashMap<String, Player>());
//adds players to team if there are still unclaimed players
if(j < allRows.size()) {
//The loop checks for odd/even rotation to add players
//in a snake pattern to ensure even teams
if(positionInMap%2 != 0) {
TeamsSorted.get(i).put(i + "." + positionInMap, allRows.get(j));
} else {
+ "." + positionInMap, allRows.get(j));
/*Eventually improve choose algorithm to utilize FindAverage and allow
lowest ranked teams to pick higher ranked and/or leftover players
In the future I would like to make the code independent of a fixed
table structure, but for this version, I am going to use what I know
about my table structure to simplify sorting.*/
//Print out the sorted teams and find averages of teams (maybe move to
//separate method later)
int i = 0; //keep track of which map we are on to get value
//Create an array to hold the arrays containing the average metrics for
//each team
double[][] average = new double[TeamsSorted.size()][3];
//iterate through each team printing the list of players and simultaneously
//summing player stats into an array to find average stats
for(Map<String, Player> a : TeamsSorted) {
//iterate through each Player on each team
System.out.println("Team " + i + ": ");
for(int k =1; k<=a.size(); k++) {
System.out.println(a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerNumber() + ": " +
a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerRating() + ", " +
a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerHeight() + ", " +
a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerGender());
average[i][0] = average[i][0] + a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerRating();
average[i][1] = average[i][1] + a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerHeight();
if (a.get(i + "." + k).GetPlayerGender().equals("F")) {
average[i][2] = average[i][2] + 1;
int teamPositionSum = 0; //keep track of which team I am in
double[] sum = new double[3]; //to store sum of skills
double[] totalAverage = new double[3]; //to store average of skills
//sum all averages to get a total sum to check my work
for(Map<String, Player> a : TeamsSorted) {
for(int metric=0; metric < 3; metric++) {
sum[metric]= sum[metric] + average[teamPositionSum][metric];
//average all player scores to check my work
for(int metric=0; metric < 3; metric++) {
totalAverage[metric]= sum[metric]/allRows.size();
System.out.println("Player Skill Sum: " + Arrays.toString(sum));
System.out.println("Total Player Skill Average: " + Arrays.toString(totalAverage));
//Average sum of skills on each team and print averages
int teamPosition = 0;
for(Map<String, Player> a : TeamsSorted) {
for( int metric=0; metric < 3; metric++) {
System.out.print("Team Average " + teamPosition + ": ");
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