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Created May 30, 2022 11:51
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Sample scripts that demonstrate how to submit logging data to the Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API from R.
#' Build API signature for logging to Azure log analytics
#' Azure log analytics HTTP REST API documentation for Python is followed to
#' create the R version of it. Python version of this function is described
#' at \url{}
#' @param customer_id \code{customer_id} of the Azure log analytics workspace
#' @param shared_key \code{shared_key} of the Azure log analytics workspace
#' @param date datetime of logging event
#' @param content_length Content length of the body
#' @param method Only one value is expected - \code{POST}
#' @param content_type Only one value is expected - \code{application/json}
#' @param resource Only one value is expected - \code{/api/logs}
#' @return Returns part of the header of HTTP POST request to be sent to Azure
#' log analytics workspace
.build_signature <- function(customer_id, shared_key, date, content_length,
method, content_type, resource) {
x_headers <- paste0("x-ms-date:", date)
string_to_hash <- paste0(method, "\n", content_length, "\n",
content_type, "\n", x_headers, "\n", resource)
bytes_to_hash <- charToRaw(enc2utf8(string_to_hash))
decoded_key <- caTools::base64decode(shared_key, "raw")
encoded_hash <- caTools::base64encode(digest::hmac(decoded_key, bytes_to_hash,
algo = "sha256",
serialize = FALSE,
raw = TRUE))
authorization <- paste0("SharedKey ", customer_id, ":", encoded_hash)
#' Build and send a request to the POST API of Azure log analytics
#' @inherit .build_signature details
#' @param customer_id \code{customer_id} of the Azure log analytics workspace
#' @param shared_key \code{shared_key} of the Azure log analytics workspace
#' @param body Content or message to be logged in json format
#' @param log_type Log-Type as defined in Azure document, for custom logging
#' @return Returns the HTTP response object
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' .post_data(
#' "xxxx", "yyyy",
#' as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(list(level="info", message="test"),
#' auto_unbox = TRUE)),
#' "test"
#' )
.post_data <- function(customer_id, shared_key, body, log_type) {
method <- "POST"
content_type <- "application/json"
resource <- "/api/logs"
rfc1123date <- as.character(strftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "UTC"),
"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"))
content_length <- nchar(body)
signature <- .build_signature(customer_id, shared_key, rfc1123date,
content_length, method, content_type, resource)
uri <- paste0("https://", customer_id, "",
resource, "?api-version=2016-04-01")
headers <- httr::add_headers(.headers = c("Content-Type" = content_type,
"Authorization" = signature,
"Log-Type" = log_type,
"x-ms-date" = rfc1123date))
response <- httr::POST(uri, config = headers, body = body)
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