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Last active May 22, 2020 03:45
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Alternative to docker-compose-like yaml format proposed in
version: 0.1 # version of this yaml format
## We'd store project's setup in hierarchical constants
project: # all first-order elements except those like $(.name) simply define constants
version: v2.0 # for example, this constant can be accessed with $(project.version)
id: neuro-21dd4a2
name: my-project
local: "." # local path needed to synchronization
container: /project # remote path used in synchronization and volume mounts
local: ~/data
container: /var/storage/shared
# we can also define shortcuts to the constants:
root_path: $(project.paths.root.container)
shared_path: $(project.paths.shared.container)
name: image:$($(project.version)
dockerfile: Dockerfile # if 'dockerfile' defined, will build a new image from it and push as 'name'
base_image: neuromation/base:$(project.version)
name: image:$($(project.version)
dockerfile: seldon.Dockerfile
name: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
name: filebrowser/filebrowser:latest
volumes: # here we define hierarchical constants:
project_root: # if we use $(volumes.project_root) below, then
uri: storage:$( # the whole subtree will be substituted.
path: $(project.paths.root.container) # Also, sub-constants can be accessed with $(volumes.project_root.path)
mode: rw
uri: storage:public/$( # in future will be also s3:// or blob://
path: $(project.paths.shared.container) # which is "/var/storage/shared"
mode: ro
## Define template job:
$(.jobs): # this is a template definition -- the one that can be inherited and overloaded
$(target): # custom target name to be replaced during definition
image: $(images.main)
preset: cpu-small # Most of these fields can be overridden during invocation: `neuro-extras run train --preset=gpu-large`
http: # Empty by default
http_auth: true
browse: false
- $(volumes.project_root)
- $(volumes.shared_data)
entrypoint: # 'neuro run --entrypoint'
type: plain-text # alternatively can use "type: mlflow" to re-use MLProject definitions
parameters: {} # Similar to MLProject, we can define parameters (see examples below)
command: # also empty, but neuro will fail if not defined.
value: /var/storage/code
- target:$( # note that current template's fields can be accessed via $(.jobs)
- kind:project
- project:$(
life_span: 1d
postfix: # 'postfix' and 'base_name' are used to form job's name: if postfix not empty,
base_name: $($( # then job's name will be "{base_name}-{postfix}"
# future improvements
- neuro-extras sync-up $(project.path_root) # now we need to sync storage with local project
restart_policy: Never # our future service jobs
replicas: 1 # easy run W&B hypter-train: `neuro-extras run train --replicas=3 ...`
depends_on: # pipeline dependency (type: list)
## Actual jobs definitions
jobs: # inherits template $(.jobs)
jupyter: # overrides field $(.target)
image: $(images.main) # defines image
preset: gpu-small
http: 8888
http_auth: true
browse: true
cmd: # the main drawback of Makefile is that it does not allow to pass arguments.
parameters: # So here we define customizeable command similar to MLFlow's entrypoint:
jupyter_mode: {type: string, default: "notebook"} # - example:
# - syntax:
command: | # - usage: `-P jupyter_mode=lab`
jupyter {jupyter_mode} \
--no-browser \
--ip= \
--allow-root \
--NotebookApp.token= \
image: $(images.tensorboard)
preset: cpu-small
http: 6006
browse: true
# recall: we set $(project.root_path) to be the shortcut for $(project.paths.root.container)
command: tensorboard --host= --logdir=$(project.root_path)
# Example of user-defined targets:
preset: gpu-small
life_span: 0 # disable --life-span
prev_version: {type: string}
current_version: {type: string, default: v0}
command: |
python $(project.root_path)/src/ \
--data-root $(project.shared_path)/coco2017 \
--previous-version {previous_version} \
--current-version {current_version} \
--max-epochs 100
# example of integration with MLFlow (not --backend=neuro, but as a wrapper of MLProject)
type: mlflow # Will look at `./MLProject` and try to find there entrypoint named "train-with-mlflow"
# see example:
# example of building custom image:
name: $(
dockerfile: seldon-custom.Dockerfile
preset: cpu-small
http: 9000
http_auth: false
volumes: # to add extra volumes, you need to re-write defaults:
- $(volumes.project_root)
- $(volumes.shared_data)
- model_location:
uri: storage:public/$(
path: $(project.shared_path)/models
mode: ro
command: seldon-core-microservice seldon_model REST
restart_policy: Always
## Usage
# alias nn=neuro-extras
# nn run train
# nn run train --preset=gpu-large
# nn run train --preset=gpu-large -P previous_version=v0 -P current_version=v1 # (override job's command parameters)
# nn run train --postfix=new-experiment # runs the job and uses postfix to avoid job name conflict
# nn run train --replicas=3 # runs 3 similar jobs with no name conflict (with postfixes: 1, 2, 3)
# nn kill train
# nn logs train
# nn exec train ls -l
# nn connect train same as `neuro exec {train-job-name} bash`
# nn ps # lists jobs in current project only
# nn ps --hyptertrain # same as `neuro ps --tag target:hyptertrain`
# nn kill $(nn ps) # kill all jobs in current project
## Debugging targets:
# nn display run train # prints commands that it would run with `neuro-extras run train`
# nn display run train --http=8080 # same with arguments
## Storage targets:
# neuro-extras sync-up root # same as: `neuro cp -r -u $(project.paths.root.local) $(project.paths.root.job)`
# neuro-extras sync-down shared # same as: `neuro cp -r -u $(project.paths.root.job) $(project.paths.root.local)`
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