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Last active August 24, 2020 10:14
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  • Save atemate/c6d3534aef0b468c32b96b1652e952a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Git-like upload and download shortcuts for neuro
cp-exclude = [".git"]
cp-exclude-from-files = [".neuroignore", ".gitignore"]
# helpers
exec = "sh -c 'basename `neuro proj-local`'"
help = "Prints local project root"
exec = "sh -c 'for f in .git Makefile; do p=`pwd`; while [ -n \"$p\" ] && [ ! -f $p/$f ] && [ ! -d $p/$f ]; do p=${p%/*}; done; [ -n \"$p\" ] && echo $p && break || true; done'"
help = "Prints project root on storage"
exec = "sh -c 'echo storage:`neuro proj-name`'"
help = "Prints common job name postfix"
exec = "sh -c 'neuro proj-name'"
exec = "sh -c 'n=`neuro proj-name`; echo \"--tag kind:project --tag project:$n\"'"
help = "Run `export IMG=image:$(neuro proj-name):latest` to overwrite this value"
exec = "sh -c 'echo ${IMG:-neuromation/base:latest}'"
exec = "sh -c 'echo neuromation/base:latest'"
exec = "sh -c 'root=`neuro proj-local`; p=`pwd`; [[ $p = $root ]] && echo . || echo ${p#$root/}'"
# storage
help = "Print corresponding directory on storage"
exec = "sh -vc 'p=`neuro pwd-relative`; echo `neuro proj-storage`/$p'"
help = "List corresponding directory on storage"
args = "[FILE]"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro --verbose ls `neuro pwd`/{file}'"
help = "Delete corresponding directory or file on storage"
args = "[FILE]"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro --verbose rm -r `neuro pwd`/{file}'"
args = "[FILE]"
help = "Upload local FILE to the corresponding directory on storage"
# Usage: "neuro upload; neuro upload config/train.yaml"
exec = "sh -xvc 'dst=`neuro pwd`/{file}; neuro --verbose mkdir -p `dirname $dst` && neuro --verbose cp -ru ./{file} -T $dst'"
args = "[FILE]"
help = "Download file FILE from the corresponding directory on storage"
# Usage: "neuro download; neuro download config/train.yaml"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro --verbose cp -ru `neuro pwd`/{file} .'"
# jobs
help = "List active jobs for current project"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro ps `neuro proj-tags`'"
args = "JOB"
help = "Get job's status"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro status {job}-`neuro proj-postfix`'"
args = "JOB"
help = "Get job's logs (output)"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro logs {job}-`neuro proj-postfix`'"
args = "JOB"
help = "Kill the job"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro kill {job}-`neuro proj-postfix`'"
args = "JOB"
help = "Exec (connect) to the job"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro exec {job}-`neuro proj-postfix` bash'"
args = "JOB"
help = "Open job's URL in browser"
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro job browse {job}-`neuro proj-postfix`'"
help = "Internal job runner"
options = [
"-s, --preset=PRESET",
"-v, --volume=VOLUME",
"-e, --env=KEY_VAL",
# Examples:
# $ neuro r --no-http-auth --env KEY=VAL job-name image "ls && pwd && whoami"
exec = "sh -xvc \"neuro run -n {job}-`neuro proj-postfix` `neuro proj-tags` {preset} {no_wait_start} {detach} {browse} {http} {no_http_auth} {pass_config} -e PYTHONPATH=/project -v `neuro proj-storage`:/project:rw {image} bash -c {bash_cmd}\""
help = "run 'server' job (just sleep infinity on gpu-small)"
# Examples:
# $ neuro r-srv
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro r --preset=gpu-small srv `neuro base-image` bash'"
help = "run 'jupyter' job"
options = [
"-e, --env=KEY_VAL",
# Examples:
# $ neuro r-j
# $ neuro r-j --no-http-auth --env KEY=VAL --pass-config
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro r --preset=gpu-small --http=8888 --browse --detach {no_http_auth} {env} {pass_config} j `neuro base-image` \"jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token= --notebook-dir=/project\"'"
args = "RESULTS_DIR"
help = "run 'tensorboard' job"
options = [
# Examples:
# $ neuro r-tb
# $ neuro r-tb --no-http-auth
exec = "sh -xvc 'neuro mkdir -p `neuro pwd`/{results_dir} && neuro r --preset=cpu-small --http=6006 --browse --detach {no_http_auth} tb tensorflow/tensorflow:latest \"tensorboard --host= --logdir=/project/{results_dir}\"'"
# $ cd `mktemp -d`
# $ git clone
# $ cd examples/mnist
# $ neuro sync-up
# $ neuro r-srv
# $ neuro e srv
# root@job-93b5db29-78cd-45a7-925f-41a9c2fd5669:/# cd /project/mnist
# root@job-93b5db29-78cd-45a7-925f-41a9c2fd5669:/# pip install -r requirements.txt
# root@job-93b5db29-78cd-45a7-925f-41a9c2fd5669:/# python
# $ neuro sync-down results/ # if script was writing to results/
# #OR:
# $ CMD="cd /project/$(neuro pwd-relative) && pip install -r requirements.txt && python"
# $ neuro r -s gpu-small train `neuro base-image` $CMD
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atemate commented Jul 20, 2020

fixed sync-down.

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atemate commented Jul 20, 2020


  1. allow this script to be global (put it to ~/.neuro/user.toml)
  2. indicator of project-root is now either .git/ or Makefile
  3. rename aliases project-* to p-*

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atemate commented Jul 20, 2020

added job runners:

  • neuro r-j for jupyter
  • neuro r-srv for server (make develop in attached mode)
  • neuro r-tb for tensorboard
  • `neuro r -s gpu-small train $(neuro base-image) "cd /project/$(neuro pwd-relative) && python" for custom train

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