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Last active February 20, 2025 01:28
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How to permalink to a gist's raw file
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multlurk commented Jul 8, 2017


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How did you get such short a gist_id in your examples? I realise git hashes can often be shortened but it's not happening for me:

returns a 404 whereas:

returns expected result.

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Thanks! 👍

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Thanks mate!

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matbrgz commented May 5, 2018


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yairEO commented Jul 5, 2018

Here's a related StackOverflow question which is of high-value to this thread

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Thanks! 👍 👍

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Deledrius commented May 15, 2019

@Asbra, No, it links to the latest revision. But GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey doesn't detect it as an userscript, so the install screen doesn't appear.

@revolter -- As long as the file is correctly named (i.e., ending with .user.js or .user.css) the full format should work, even for single-file gists. I tested this with both Stylus and Greasemonkey, and they pick up the files correctly and automatically ask to install:[gist_user]/[gist_id]/raw/scriptname.user.js

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KaKi87 commented Jun 26, 2019

Thanks !!

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christo8989 commented Oct 23, 2019

I'm using[username]/[gist_id]/raw/[filename].

I use like so...
curl -o "$USERPROFILE/[filename]" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"[username]/[gist_id]/raw/[filename]

Btw, this is like the only place that specifies the filename part so thank you!

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Erquint commented Oct 25, 2019

An essential tip for those hosting their userscripts on GitHub Gist

Since userscript hosts (e.g. GreaseMonkey, ViolentMonkey, TamperMonkey) require the links to userscripts to end in user.js to automatically detect, install and update them, you should use[gist_user]/[gist_id]/raw/[file_name] even for single file gists.
Don't forget to set the link as both @updateURL and @downloadURL in the metadata, otherwise the userscript host may assume the versioned download link as an override to updates link if a user installs it by clicking on the Raw button on the gist page instead.


Here's one of my userscripts that I managed to make properly updatable:
Notice the @updateURL and @downloadURL metadata. The rest is optional

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Awesome findings. With this, the permalink will always use the latest version

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If you need to use a URL shortener, you can use the official GitHub shortener:

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MichaelCurrin commented Apr 21, 2020

I have a solution for anyone wanting to embed a gist from use the raw URL without the revision number.

With revision:

At a guess, this actually worked without revision:

I wrote about it here in the context of Docsify.

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greenvfx commented May 3, 2020

Thank you guys!! It's helped me a lot!

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yairEO commented Aug 8, 2020

@MichaelCurrin - everyone else already wrote the same here, years before your "solution" epiphany

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Yes as I posted without reading all the comments.

I also added to embed section of the docsify site so this approach be found there easier

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Best answers imo would be[ID]/[REVISION]/[FILE]


[ID] is necessary
[REVISION] can be omitted to get the latest revision
[FILE] can be omitted to get the first file

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I'm also wondering how did he get SO SHORT url (with short hash) in the first place:

I'm suspecting back in 2013 Github allowed to use such shorter urls, and it's now impossible to make. But I wonder if I'm wrong

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I'm also wondering how did he get SO SHORT url (with short hash) in the first place:

I'm suspecting back in 2013 Github allowed to use such shorter urls, and it's now impossible to make. But I wonder if I'm wrong

yeah maybe

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Kuju29 commented Mar 3, 2021

This is URL worked for me. It will update after 4-5 min, I think so.

You just delete the text after Raw.

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0x49D1 commented Mar 17, 2021

Thanks, that was nice: works for secret gists too.

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rjb3977 commented Apr 3, 2021

You can use query parameters to get around caching if you want fast updates, i.e. every time you make a request append something like ?cache-bust=(some random url-safe string) to the URL. As far as I can tell, any query string works, so you can omit the cache-bust= if you want, or use donkey-poo= if you feel so inclined.

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revolter commented Apr 3, 2021

@rjb3977, usually, an underscore and the current timestamp are used for this: ?_=1617443829.

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I found this discussion after looking into it myself. Here's what I've got:

  • GIST is NOT meant to behave like a repository. It is a Front End technology.
  • Without cache busting, updates take quite a while... Longer than I was going to wait to measure how long exactly.
  • WITH cache busting, you can reduce the latency of updates to ~30-60s, but there IS STILL LATENCY.

Here's what I used to observe and measure changes.
Note that I was adding a, b, c... to line 4 character 1 (after the pound/hash sign) every time I saw the change in the cli.

while true; do line=$(curl -s$(date +%s) | sed '4q;d'); echo "$(date) -- ${line:1:1}"; sleep 1; done

So, this should be good enough for MOST applications. Mileage may vary.
And there's always a risk that GH will change their caching behavior for these assets.

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Nice. Exactly what I needed, thank you! 🙏
I think this should be the default URL, or GitHub should at least be more explicit about this difference...

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wow, you are my time saver!!!

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