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Last active June 28, 2022 15:29
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This is a list of all the code snippets I share for programming tips & tricks daily on my Twitter:

All the snippets below are in the order of posting. Hope these little gems help someone learn 😊

Happy Hacking 🐱‍💻

// #1 - Rust Hello World!
fn main() {
// this is the entry point for the compiled binary
// print to console
println!("Hello World!");
# #10 - Python List For Iteration!
# create a list to iterate over
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# note the 'in' keyword
# also the iteration is in order
for i in list:
// #11 - C do-while loop!
// declare a condition variable
int a = 5;
// do stuff until condition false
do {
// do something here
printf("%d\n", a);
// change the condition variable
}while( a > 0 );
# create a dictionary with some world capitals
# country is 'key' and capital is 'value'
countryAndCapital = {
'Canada' : 'Ottawa',
'Spain' : 'Madrid',
'Austria' : 'Vienna',
'Switzerland' : 'Bern',
# iterate over the keys here
# note this will be unordered!
for country in countryAndCapital:
print(country + ': ' + countryAndCapital[country])
// #13 - Java Print Formatted String!
// using string formatter & print
String output = String.format("%s has %d days.", "January", 31);
// using just printf
System.out.printf(" And %s has %d days.", "April", 30);
// #14 - Golang If-else Statement!
// declare something to test on
num := 10
// 'if' is always the first condition checked
if num == 0 {
fmt.Println("number is zero!")
} else if num > 0 {
fmt.Println(num, "is positive!")
} else {
// if everything else is false this executes
fmt.Println(num, "is negative!")
// #15 - JavaScript For-Each!
// declare an array to iterate over
const elements = ['these', 'are', 'the', 'elements'];
// iterate over the individual array elements
elements.forEach(element => console.log(element));
# #16 - Python Function!
# define the function here
# 'a' & 'b' are the parameters
def add(a, b):
# do the calculations here
total = a + b
# return the result at the end
return total
# call the function
# '10' & '22' are the arguments
sum = add(10, 22)
# show the result
// #17 - Rust Formatted String!
fn main() {
// this is the entry point for the compiled binary
// print the formatted string
println!("{} is {} years old and loves playing {}.",
name = "Michael", age = "22", hobby = "tennis"
// 18 - C++ Arrays!
// uninitialized int array of size 5
int array1[5];
// initialized int array of size 5 with 0s
int array2[5] = {};
// semi-initialized int array of size 5
int array3[5] = {1, 2, 3};
// fully-initialized int array of size 5
int array4[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// fully-initialized int array of size 5
int array5[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
// #19 - Golang Map!
// make a map of string -> string
m := make(map[string]string)
// fill in some elements
m["name"] = "Matt"
m["city"] = "Chicago"
m["country"] = "USA"
// check the content of the whole map
# #2 - Python List Access!
# create the list
list = ["This", "is", "a", "list", "of", "some", "elements"]
# access individual elements
first = list[0] # "This"
last = list[-1] # "elements"
second = list[1] # "is"
secondLast = list[-2] # "some"
fifth = list[4] # "of"
// #3 - JavaScript For Loop!
// loop 10 times - note the start is at 0!
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// print the iteration values 0 through 9
console.log('iteration# ' + i);
// #4 - C++ Pointer!
// main function where the program enters at
int main() {
// initialize a null pointer using the * operator
// after the type of the variable it points to
int* p = nullptr;
// initialize a variable of the type
// you want to point to
int i = 5;
// use the & operator to assign the address
// of the variable to pointer
p = &i;
// dereference using the * operator before the pointer
// variable to retrieve the value it points to
int j = *p;
return 0;
// #5 - Golang Switch Case!
// value of fruit determines which
// switch-case branch to execute
fruit := "apple"
fmt.Print("The fruit is: ")
switch fruit {
case "apple":
case "orange":
case "mango":
// default case for everything else
fmt.Println("something else!")
// #6 - C while loop!
// initialize the conditions
int i = 10;
printf("Ready for takeoff...🔥\n");
// conditional statement
while ( i > 0 )
// do something here
printf("%d...\n", i);
// change the conditions here
// #7 - Java If-Else!
int number = 10;
// check the number and print accordingly
if (number > 0) {
// first conditional check with if
System.out.println("Number is +ve");
} else if (number == 0) {
// check any other conditions with else if
System.out.println("Number is 0");
} else {
// if all else above is false this executes
System.out.println("Number is -ve");
// #8 - Python Dictionary Access!
# create the dictionary
person = {
"name": "Max",
"age": 29,
"occupation": "Programmer",
"location": "Canada"
# access the dictionary element with []
pName = person["name"]
// #9 - C Enumeration!
// declare an enum for days in a week
// note the index starts at '0' by default
enum day{Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun};
// declare variable today of enum type day
enum day today;
// assign it Tuesday!
today = Tue;
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