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Created March 26, 2017 15:50
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Generate macOS apps from a list to mount your networks volumes
Awesome Volume;afp://macbookpro.local/MyHD
Home on MacBookPro;afp://macbookpro.local/macuser
DiskStation Video;smb://
DiskStation Music;smb://
appsDestination="$HOME/Applications/Network Mounter"
mkdir "$appsDestination"
echo "Generate Apps to ${appsDestination}"
while read line; do
touch $tmpasfile
name=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f1)
path=$(echo "$line" | cut -d";" -f2)
echo ">> Generate script for ${name}"
echo "# Mount script for drive ${name} at path ${path}" > $tmpasfile
echo "mount volume \"${path}\"" >> $tmpasfile
if [[ -f $tmpasfile ]]; then
osacompile -o "${appsDestination}/${name}.app" $tmpasfile
rm $tmpasfile
sleep 1
done < <(cat network_drive.list)
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