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Last active November 4, 2015 10:05
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OpenCV 3.0-beta Mac OS X向けframeworkビルド用スクリプト(Mac OS X/Xcode/x86_64)
#!/usr/bin/env python
The script builds OpenCV.framework for iOS.
The built framework is universal, it can be used to build app and run it on either iOS simulator or real device.
./ <outputdir>
By cmake conventions (and especially if you work with OpenCV repository),
the output dir should not be a subdirectory of OpenCV source tree.
Script will create <outputdir>, if it's missing, and a few its subdirectories:
[cmake-generated build tree for an iOS device target]
[cmake-generated build tree for iOS simulator]
[the framework content]
The script should handle minor OpenCV updates efficiently
- it does not recompile the library from scratch each time.
However, opencv2.framework directory is erased and recreated on each run.
import glob, re, os, os.path, shutil, string, sys
def build_opencv(srcroot, buildroot, target, arch):
"builds OpenCV for device or simulator"
builddir = os.path.join(buildroot, target + '-' + arch)
if not os.path.isdir(builddir):
currdir = os.getcwd()
# for some reason, if you do not specify CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, it puts libs to "RELEASE" rather than "Release"
cmakeargs = ("-GXcode " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_apps=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_calib3d=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_core=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cuda=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudaarithm=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudabgsegm=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudacodec=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudafeatures2d=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudafilters=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudaimgproc=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudalegacy=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudaoptflow=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudastereo=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudawarping=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_cudev=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_features2d=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_flann=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_highgui=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_imgcodecs=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_imgproc=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_java=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_ml=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_objdetect=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_photo=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_python2=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_python3=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_shape=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_stitching=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_superres=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_ts=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_video=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_videoio=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_videostab=ON " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_viz=OFF " +
"-DBUILD_opencv_world=ON " +
"-DWITH_1394=OFF" +
"-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=\"-Wno-implicit-function-declaration\" " +
# if cmake cache exists, just rerun cmake to update OpenCV.xproj if necessary
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(builddir, "CMakeCache.txt")):
os.system("cmake %s ." % (cmakeargs,))
os.system("cmake %s %s" % (cmakeargs, srcroot))
for wlib in [builddir + "/modules/world/UninstalledProducts/libopencv_world.a",
builddir + "/lib/Release/libopencv_world.a"]:
if os.path.isfile(wlib):
os.system("xcodebuild -parallelizeTargets ARCHS=%s -jobs 2 -sdk %s -configuration Release -target ALL_BUILD" % (arch, target.lower()))
os.system("xcodebuild ARCHS=%s -sdk %s -configuration Release -target install install" % (arch, target.lower()))
def put_framework_together(srcroot, dstroot):
"constructs the framework directory after all the targets are built"
# find the list of targets (basically, ["iPhoneOS", "iPhoneSimulator"])
targetlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(dstroot, "build", "*"))
targetlist = [os.path.basename(t) for t in targetlist]
# set the current dir to the dst root
currdir = os.getcwd()
framework_dir = dstroot + "/opencv2.framework"
if os.path.isdir(framework_dir):
# form the directory tree
dstdir = "Versions/A"
os.makedirs(dstdir + "/Resources")
tdir0 = "../build/" + targetlist[0]
# copy headers
shutil.copytree(tdir0 + "/install/include/opencv2", dstdir + "/Headers")
# make universal static lib
wlist = " ".join(["../build/" + t + "/lib/Release/libopencv_world.a" for t in targetlist])
os.system("lipo -create " + wlist + " -o " + dstdir + "/opencv2")
# copy Info.plist
shutil.copyfile(tdir0 + "/osx/Info.plist", dstdir + "/Resources/Info.plist")
# make symbolic links
os.symlink("A", "Versions/Current")
os.symlink("Versions/Current/Headers", "Headers")
os.symlink("Versions/Current/Resources", "Resources")
os.symlink("Versions/Current/opencv2", "opencv2")
def build_framework(srcroot, dstroot):
"main function to do all the work"
targets = ["MacOSX" ]
archs = ["x86_64"]
for i in range(len(targets)):
build_opencv(srcroot, os.path.join(dstroot, "build"), targets[i], archs[i])
put_framework_together(srcroot, dstroot)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Usage:\n\t./ <outputdir>\n\n"
build_framework(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "../..")), os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]))
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OpenCV 3.0-beta Mac OS X向けframeworkビルド用スクリプト(Mac OS X/Xcode/x86_64)


  1. githubから3.0.0-betaのソースを取得する。
  2. このページにあるbuild_framework.pyを以下のディレクトリに格納する。
  3. 展開してターミナルで以下のコマンドを実行する。ビルドが完了すると「osx」ディレクトリにopencv2.frameworkが生成される。
    cd ~/<my_working_directory>
    python opencv-3.0.0-beta/platforms/osx/ osx


  1. Xcodeでプロジェクトを開き、「Build Phases」画面に移動する。
  2. 「Link Binary With Libraries」で「+」ボタンを押下して、生成した「opencv2.framework」を追加する。
  3. 「Link Binary With Libraries」で「OpenCL.framework」、「AppKit.framework」を追加する。
  4. 「Link Binary With Libraries」で「libtbb.dylib」(TBB)、「libippicv.a」(ippicv)を追加する。


  • ビルドするためにはCMake(2.8.8以降)、Pythonをインストールする必要があります。
  • このページにあるbuild_framework.pyではビルド時間を短縮するためにアーキテクチャをx86_64に限定しています。
  • build_framework.pyのCMakeオプションを編集することでOpenCVの機能をカスタマイズできます。

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