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Last active August 22, 2023 04:29
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A userscript to delete page elements when clicked twice while pressing Alt, Control, and Shift simultaneously
// ==UserScript==
// @name Click to delete
// @author Antonio Bueno
// @namespace
// @description This script deletes page elements if clicked twice while simultaneously pressing Alt, Control, and Shift
// @version 2.0
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
- The first click marks an element to be deleted
- A second click in a marked element deletes ALL marked elements
- A mark can be removed by clicking without pressing all the modifier keys
- The script does not work with the contents of an iframe
(function () {
"use strict";
function ready(callbackFunction) { // borrowed from
if (document.readyState != "loading") { //
} else {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callbackFunction);
ready(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", e => { // When an element is clicked
if (e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) { // and all modifiers are pressed
if (window.getSelection) { // avoid accidental text selection
if (!"marked")) { // mark the element if not marked"marked");
} else { // otherwise, delete ALL marked elements
document.querySelectorAll(".marked").forEach(element => {
} else { // but not with all modifiers: remove mark
if ("marked")) {"marked");
}, true); // 'true' prioritizes this event listener
var stylesheet = document.createElement("style"); // Add inline CSS for the mark
stylesheet.textContent = `
.marked {
border: 2px solid red !important;
background-color: #FF00003F !important;
.marked img {
opacity: 0.5 !important;
.marked div {
background-color: #FF00001f !important;
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