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Last active February 1, 2024 19:41
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Generate C code for Betaflight build flags
import requests
def get_gates_options() -> tuple:
data = requests.get(JSON_URL, timeout=2).json()
gates = []
options = []
groups = list(data.keys())
for group_index, option_list in enumerate(data.values()):
for i, option in enumerate(option_list):
define = option.get("value")
if define:
number = option.get("key")
name = define.replace("USE_", "BUILD_OPTION_")
options.append((name, number, groups[group_index]))
return gates, options
def main():
gates, options = get_gates_options()
with open("enum.out", "w") as f:
maxlen = max(map(lambda x: len(x[0]), options)) + 4
lines = []
last_group = None
for k, v, g in options:
if g != last_group:
lines.append(f"// {g}\n")
last_group = g
lines.append("#define {:<{width}}{}\n".format(k, v, width=maxlen))
with open("write.out", "w+") as f:
lines = []
indent = " " * 4
for i, define in enumerate(gates):
option_name, _, _ = options[i]
lines.append(f"#ifdef {define}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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