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Last active May 2, 2018 09:16
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playing with object and function composition
const series = (...fns) => (...args) => => f(...args));
const tailFactory = (width) => {
let wag_to_width_ratio = Math.random();
let wagspeed = Math.ceil(width * wag_to_width_ratio);
return {
setWagSpeed({ width = 0 } = {}) {
wagspeed = Math.ceil(width * wag_to_width_ratio);
wag() { console.log(Array(wagspeed).fill('WAG', 0, wagspeed).join(',')); }
const truthFactory = () => ({
truth() { console.log(`A ${this.roar? 'spiky' : 'shaggy'} ${this.type || 'mystery'} ${this.tail? 'tail' : ''}`); }
const dogFactory = (name, width, height) => {
let w = width, o = height;
return {
woof() { console.log(`${name} says W${Array(w).fill('w', 0, w).join('')}${Array(o).fill('o', 0, o).join('')}of!`); },
resizeWoof({ width = 0, height = 0 } = {}) {
w = width,
o = height;
get type() { return 'dog'; }
const dragonFactory = (name, width, height) => {
let o = width, a = height;
return {
roar() { console.log(`${name} says R${Array(o).fill('o', 0, o).join('')}${Array(a).fill('a', 0, a).join('')}r!`); },
resizeRoar({ width = 0, height = 0 } = {}) {
o = width,
a = height;
get type() { return 'dragon'; }
const dogDragonWithATailFactory = ({
name = 'fluffy',
w = Math.round(Math.random() * 70),
h = Math.round(Math.random() * 90),
has_a_tail = Math.random() < 0.5,
is_secretly_a_dragon = Math.random() > 0.5
} = {}) => ({
...dogFactory(name, w, h),
...(is_secretly_a_dragon) && dragonFactory(name, w, h),
...(has_a_tail) && { tail: tailFactory(w) },
const kennelFactory = () => {
let dogs = [];
return {
addDog : d => dogs.push(d),
resize : ({ width = Math.round(Math.random() * 70), height = Math.round(Math.random() * 90) } = {}) => {
dogs.forEach(d => {
series(...[d.resizeWoof, d.resizeRoar, d.tail? d.tail.setWagSpeed : undefined].filter(fn => typeof fn !== 'undefined'))({ width, height });
series(...[d.truth.bind(d), d.woof, d.roar, d.tail? d.tail.wag : undefined].filter(fn => typeof fn !== 'undefined'))();
return 'Kennel Resized!';
myKennel = kennelFactory();
for(let i = (Math.random() * 20); i > 0; i--) { myKennel.addDog(dogDragonWithATailFactory()); }
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