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Created March 14, 2011 06:55
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Sets the FSTypeCode of the given file(s) to the specified code
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A very simple script to set FSTYPE info field on a file.
Usage: ./ [-h] [-t '????'] [-T 1061109567] FILE [...]
Sets the FSTypeCode of the given file(s) to the specified code -
'OggS' by default.
(This script requires Mac-platform python modules.)
__author__ = "Arek Korbik <[email protected]>"
__revision__ = "0.0.1"
from Carbon import File, Files
import struct
def set_file_type_and_creator(fn, type_id = None, creator_id = None):
fl, is_dir = File.FSPathMakeRef(fn)
if is_dir:
ci, _fn, fsspc, pfl = fl.FSGetCatalogInfo(Files.kFSCatInfoFinderInfo)
finfo = fsspc.FSpGetFInfo()
if type_id is not None:
finfo.Type = struct.pack('L', type_id)
if creator_id is not None:
finfo.Creator = struct.pack('L', creator_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] FILE [FILE ...]')
parser.add_option('-t', '--type', dest='set_type', metavar='FSTYPE',
help="Desired fstype id, 4-char string. Default: 'OggS'.")
parser.add_option('-T', '--type_num', dest='set_type_id', metavar='FSTYPE',
default=None, type='int',
help="Desired fstype id as a long int.")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
parser.error("No filenames specified. Try '-h' switch.")
set_type_id = 0x4f676753 # 'OggS' = 1332176723
if options.set_type_id is not None:
set_type_id = options.set_type_id
if len(options.set_type) != 4:
parser.error("Symbolic FSTYPE must be a string 4 characters long." +
" (Pad with spaces if necessary).")
set_type_id = struct.unpack('L', options.set_type)[0]
for sfn in args:
set_file_type_and_creator(sfn, set_type_id)
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