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Created July 13, 2022 09:22
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class ACMS_POST_Log_Form_Download extends ACMS_POST
function post()
if ( !$this->authorityCheck() ) {
return fasle;
$fmid = intval($this->Get->get('fmid'));
$serial = intval($this->Get->get('serial'));
$order = $this->Q->get('order', 'datetime-asc');
$eid = $this->Post->get('eid');
$form = $this->getFormData($fmid);
if ( empty($form) ) {
return false;
// ログ取得のクエリ作成
$query = $this->buildQuery($fmid, $eid, $serial, $order);
// データ修正
$data = $this->fixData($query);
// CSVの作成
$csv = $this->buildCSV($query, $data);
// ダウンロード
* 権限チェック
* @return boolean
function authorityCheck()
if ( !sessionWithAdministration() ) return false;
if ( !IS_LICENSED ) return false;
if ( !($fmid = intval($this->Get->get('fmid'))) ) return false;
return true;
* フォームデータの取得
* @param int $fmid
* @return array
function getFormData($fmid)
$DB = DB::singleton(dsn());
$SQL = SQL::newSelect('form');
$SQL->addWhereOpr('form_id', $fmid);
$SQL->addLeftJoin('blog', 'blog_id', 'form_blog_id');
ACMS_Filter::blogTree($SQL, BID, 'ancestor-or-self');
$Where = SQL::newWhere();
$Where->addWhereOpr('form_blog_id', BID, '=', 'OR');
$Where->addWhereOpr('form_scope', 'global', '=', 'OR');
return $DB->query($SQL->get(dsn()), 'row');
* ログデータ取得の為のクエリを発行
* @param int $fmid
* @param int $eid
* @param int $serial
* @param string $order
* @return array
function buildQuery($fmid, $eid, $serial, $order)
$SQL = SQL::newSelect('log_form');
$SQL->addLeftJoin('blog', 'blog_id', 'log_form_blog_id');
ACMS_Filter::blogTree($SQL, BID, 'ancestor-or-self');
$SQL->addWhereOpr('log_form_form_id', $fmid);
if ( !empty($eid) ) {
$SQL->addWhereOpr('log_form_entry_id', $eid);
if ( !empty($serial) ) {
$SQL->addWhereOpr('log_form_serial', $serial);
$SQL->addWhereBw('log_form_datetime', START, END);
$SQL->setOrder('log_form_datetime', ('datetime-asc' == $order) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
return $SQL->get(dsn());
* データの修正
* @param string $query
* @return array
function fixData($query)
$DB = DB::singleton(dsn());
$DB->query($query, 'fetch');
$aryFd = array();
while ( $row = $DB->fetch($query) ) {
if ( isset($row['log_form_version']) && intval($row['log_form_version']) === 1 ) {
$Field = acmsUnserialize($row['log_form_data']);
} else {
$Field = $this->safeUnserialize($row['log_form_data']);
$aryFd = array_unique(array_merge($aryFd, $Field->listFields()));
$aryFd[] = 'log_form_datetime';
$atPathAry = array();
foreach ( $aryFd as $i => $fd ) {
// @つきのメタフィールドを除外
if ( strpos($fd, '@') !== false ) {
// hoge@pathであれば、hogeフィールドに後で代入する
if ( strpos($fd, '@path') !== false ) {
$atPathAry[] = $fd;
return array(
'aryFd' => $aryFd,
'atPathAry' => $atPathAry,
* CSVの組み立て
* @param string $query
* @param array $data
* @return string
function buildCSV($query, $data)
$DB = DB::singleton(dsn());
$DB->query($query, 'fetch');
$aryFd = $data['aryFd'];
$atPathAry = $data['atPathAry'];
$csv = '"'.implode('","', $aryFd).'"'."\x0d\x0a";
while ( $row = $DB->fetch($query) ) {
if ( isset($row['log_form_version']) && intval($row['log_form_version']) === 1 ) {
$Field = acmsUnserialize($row['log_form_data']);
} else {
$Field = $this->safeUnserialize($row['log_form_data']);
$Field->set('log_form_datetime', $row['log_form_datetime']);
// @path類を処理
foreach ( $atPathAry as $atPath ) {
// $Field->set('fuga', $Field->get('fuga@path'));
$Field->set(substr($atPath, 0, -5), $Field->get($atPath));
$csv .= '"';
foreach ( $aryFd as $i => $fd ) {
$csv .= (empty($i) ? '' : '","').str_replace('"', '""', implode(', ', $Field->getArray($fd)));
$csv .= '"'."\x0d\x0a";
return mb_convert_encoding($csv, $this->Post->get('charset', 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8');
* ダウンロードの実行
* @param array $csv
function download($csv)
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($csv));
if ( strpos(UA, 'MSIE') ) {
header('Content-Type: text/download');
} else {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
* シリアライズデータの文字列長がおかしくなってしまっているときの対処療法メソッド
* @param string $str
* @return mixed
function safeUnserialize($txt)
$unSerialized = @unserialize($txt);
//In case of failure let's try to repair it
$repairedSerialization = $this->fixSerialized($txt);
$unSerialized = @unserialize($repairedSerialization);
return $unSerialized;
function fixSerialized($string)
// securities
if ( !preg_match('/^[aOs]:/', $string) ) return $string;
if ( @unserialize($string) !== false ) return $string;
$string = preg_replace("%\n%", "", $string);
// doublequote exploding
$data = preg_replace('%";%', "µµµ", $string);
$tab = explode("µµµ", $data);
$new_data = '';
foreach ($tab as $line) {
$new_data .= preg_replace_callback('%\bs:(\d+):"(.*)%', function($matches) {
$string = $matches[2];
$right_length = strlen($string); // yes, strlen even for UTF-8 characters, PHP wants the mem size, not the char count
return 's:' . $right_length . ':"' . $string . '";';
}, $line);
return $new_data;
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