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Last active April 14, 2019 17:20
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material specification
Storage for materials:
Version A. compact/hardcoded for certain shading types
type: 1 byte (phong=0, pbrMetallicRoughnes=1, pbrSpecularGlossiness=2, ...)
if ( type == 0 )
4 floats diffuseColor
string diffuseTexture
1 byte diffuseTexture texcoord channel
4 bytes diffuseTexture sampler parameters
if ( type == 1)
4 floats baseColorFactor
version B:
predefined values for parameter names and parameters are stored as array.
Parameter have types like float, float2, float3, float4, texture, int, bool, string, etc.
These types define what information is stored in data section.
type: 1 byte (phong=0, pbrMetallicRoughnes=1, pbrSpecularGlossiness=2, ...)
number_of_parameters: 2 bytes
name_of_parameter 1: 4 bytes
data_of_parameter 1: x bytes
name_of_parameter n: 4 bytes
data_of_parameter n: x bytes
diffuseTexture parameter example
4 bytes: (1) DIFFUSE_TEXTURE
string: filename
1 byte: texcoord channel
4 bytes: sampler parameters
version C:
similar to B, but there are no predefined values for shading type and params, they are strings.
types are predefined:
string 'pbrMetallicRoughness'
4byte number_of_parameters
1 byte: parameter type of param0
string parameter_name
x bytes: data based on type
diffuseTexture parameter example
string 'diffuseTexture'
string: filename
1 byte: texcoord channel
4 bytes: sampler parameters
version D:
similar to C, but store materials (in a separate file) in text format.
material parameters in different obj, gltf2, opengex and fbx
wavefront obj
ka, map_ka: diffuse color/texture
ks, map_ks: specular color/texture
ke, map_ke: emissive color/texture
ns, map_ns: specular exponent value/texture
d/tr, map_d: opacity/transparency value/texture
map_bump/bump: bumpmap
gltf2 - pbrMetallicRoughness
baseColorFactor - rgba color in linear space
baseColorTexture - rgb(a) texture in srgb space
metallicRoughnessTexture. channel b - metallic, g - roughness
Factor and texture are multiplied in linear space.
vertex color attrib COLOR_0 (assumed to be in linear space) also multiplies basecolor.
normalTexture - tangent space normal map. rgb in [0,1]. extra scale property
occlusionTexture - in .r channel linear space. extra strength property (0.0 - means no occlusion )
emissiveFactor - rgb color
emissiveTexture - rgb in srgb space
each texture has a texcoord channel and a sampler.
sampler properties: minFilter, magFilter, wrapS, wrapT
alphaMode - OPAQUE, MASK (discard with alphaCutoff), BLEND
alphaCutoff - [0,1]
gltf2 - pbrSpecularGlossiness
same as: pbrMetallicRoughness but it has no baseColor, metallic and roughness.
diffuseFactor - color in linear space
diffuseTexture - rgb(a) texture in srgb space
specularFactor - color in linear space
glossinessFactor - scalar value
specularGlossinessTexture - .rgb specular in srgb space, .a - glossiness
gltf2 - unlit
baseColorFactor, baseColorTexture and COLOR_0 is used to compute color with no lighting calculation.
phong shading model
diffuse color/texture
specular color/texture
specular_power value/texture
emission color/texture
opacity color/texture - rgb
transparency value/texture
normal - tangent space normal map
color and texture values are multiplied together.
texture have texture coordinate index and and transform.
fbx (with openfbx)
diffuse color/texture
normal texture
it currently only exposes these parameters but there are much more here:,topicNumber=d30e10256
My assumption is that the realtime friendly parameters are similar to what opengex defines.
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