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Forked from mhulse/fromhex.bash
Created November 10, 2020 03:08
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Bash function to convert hex to 256 terminal color.
# fromhex A52A2A
# fromhex "#A52A2A"
# BLUE_VIOLET=$(fromhex "#8A2BE2")
function fromhex() {
if [[ $hex == "#"* ]]; then
hex=$(echo $1 | awk '{print substr($0,2)}')
r=$(printf '0x%0.2s' "$hex")
g=$(printf '0x%0.2s' ${hex#??})
b=$(printf '0x%0.2s' ${hex#????})
echo -e `printf "%03d" "$(((r<75?0:(r-35)/40)*6*6+(g<75?0:(g-35)/40)*6+(b<75?0:(b-35)/40)+16))"`
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