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Running headless android emulator on AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance (ARM64 / aarch64) - 2022
Android Emulator (ARM64) on EC2 - 2022
1. Launch EC2 ARM based Instance (a1.metal / a1.2xlarge): (16 Gb RAM, 32Gb Disk), Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (HVM) ARM x64
2. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
3. sudo apt install default-jdk python3-pip repo python-is-python3 unzip libpcre2-dev adb
4. wget
5. unzip -d android-sdk
6. sudo mv android-sdk /opt/
7. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest
8. mv /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/* /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest (ignore the error)
9. at this point you should have sdkmanager and avdmanager under /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/
10. echo "export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
11. echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
12. echo "export ANDROID_EMULATOR_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL=60" >> ~/.bashrc
13. echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
14. source ~/.bashrc
15. sdkmanager --update
16. sdkmanager --licenses
17. cd /opt/android-sdk/
18. Get emulator download link:
- column: emulator --> linux_aarch64
- click a green version
- click Artifacts tab
- click sdk-repo-linux_aarch64-emulator-[build number].zip (~1.6Gb)
- Right-click the Download link (blue) and copy the download URL
- A Relatively stable version (31.3.8 - 5/24/2022):
19 wget -O "[download URL]"
20. unzip
21. cd emulator
22. copy text from
23. nano /opt/android-sdk/emulator/package.xml --> paste copied text
24. cat --> get Emulator version number from Pkg.Revision (Example: Pkg.Revision=31.3.9)
25. update the following params in package.xml according to the version: <major>, <minor>, <micro>
26. sdkmanager "system-images;android-31;google_apis;arm64-v8a"
27. avdmanager -v create avd -f -n MyAVD -k "system-images;android-31;google_apis;arm64-v8a" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd"
28. avdmanager list avd --> check that you have MyAVD
29. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/platforms
30. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/platform-tools
31. echo "Vulkan = off" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
32. echo "GLDirectMem = on" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
33. on Metal instance, enabled KVM access:
- sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm
- logout and re-login
- /opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator -accel-check --> check accel:0, KVM (version 12) is installed and usable: accel
Run the Emulator:
Metal instance:
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @MyAVD -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel
Non-metal instance:
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @MyAVD -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel -qemu -cpu max -machine gic-version=max
1. Use an ARM based EC2 instance. A Metal instance will allow ARM to run on the host CPU (via KVM). A non-metal instance will do ARM emulation which is much slower (but works).
2. The Android Emulaotr isn't included in the sdk-tools for ARM, we download it separately. After we install and update its package file, we can use sdkmanager to download system images and other emultaor-dependant packages.
3. The platform-tools (adb, aapt2 etc.) aren't not available for ARM64. We install ADB with apt-get (see apt list android-sdk* for other available tools).
4. Make sure to create the /platforms and /platform-tools folders under /opt/android-sdk/ or the emulator will exit (folder can be empty).
5. First run on non-Metal instance might take 10-15 minutes.
6. Use "google_apis" system image and not "google_apis_playstore". The "google_apis_playstore" requires authentication to connect via ADB (adb devices will show "emulator-5554 offline")
7. In case of unstable images (crash with illegal instruction), try using the aosp_atd image (e.g. "system-images;android-30;aosp_atd;arm64-v8a")
Android Emulator HW options:
nano /opt/android-sdk/avd/config.ini
nano ~/.android/avd/MyAVD.ini
Specific parameters to consider:
Disabling the "Ok Google" Hotword detection (might cause 100% CPU on non-metal instance):
adb shell "su root pm disable"
Note: run after Emulator fully loaded
Connecting to Emulator console:
1. get token from: /home/ubuntu/.emulator_console_auth_token
2. telnet 5554
3. auth [token]
4. save snapshot: avd snapshot save default
Manually setup system image (ex: android-32, Google APIs, ARM64):
2. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32
3. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis
4. unzip /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis
image path: /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-[api_version]/[api_type]/[arch_type] (/opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis/arm64-v8a)
avdmanager -v create avd -f -n MyAVD2 -k "system-images;android-32;google_apis;arm64-v8a" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd2"
Useful ADB commands:
Connect: adb devices
Install APK: adb install myapp.apk
Uninstall app: adb uninstall
Start app: adb shell am start -n
Start app2: adb shell monkey -p --pct-syskeys 0 -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
Stop app: adb shell am force-stop
Disable package: adb shell "su root pm disable"
Uninstall package: adb shell "su root pm uninstall --user 0"
Check if running: adb shell dumpsys activity | grep -i run | grep -i
Forward port: adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8888
Kill emulator: adb -s emulator-5554 emu kill
Emulator ARM builds:
ARM System images:
Google API Images:
All Images:
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Marietto2008 commented Oct 9, 2024

I've ran it on the Jetson Nano :

aresuser@jetson:/opt/android-sdk$ emulator @android9 -cores 2 -lowram -memory 1000 -gpu host -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -no-snapshot -no-metrics -qemu -machine gic-version=2

INFO    | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-aresuser/emu-crash-34.2.8.db, detection is enabled for process: 98752
INFO    | Android emulator version (build_id 11435509) (CL:N/A)
INFO    | Found systemPath /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-28/google_apis/arm64-v8a/
INFO    | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-aresuser/emu-crash-34.2.8.db, detection is enabled for process: 98752
INFO    | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag.
WARNING | FeatureControl is requesting a non existing feature.
library_mode host gpu mode host
Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation supportandroid_startOpenglesRenderer: gpu infoI0915 14:29:22.230528   98752 HealthMonitor.cpp:279] HealthMonitor disabled.
added library
createGlobalVkEmulation:995 Selecting Vulkan device: NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)
initialize: Supports id properties, got a vulkan device UUID
I0915 14:29:23.908542   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1276] Initializing VkEmulation features:
I0915 14:29:23.908639   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1277]     glInteropSupported: true
I0915 14:29:23.908676   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1278]     useDeferredCommands: true
I0915 14:29:23.908707   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1279]     createResourceWithRequirements: true
I0915 14:29:23.908738   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1281]     useVulkanComposition: false
I0915 14:29:23.908768   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1282]     useVulkanNativeSwapchain: false
I0915 14:29:23.908809   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1283]     enable guestRenderDoc: false
I0915 14:29:23.908839   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1284]     ASTC LDR emulation mode: 2
I0915 14:29:23.908879   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1285]     enable ETC2 emulation: true
I0915 14:29:23.908908   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1286]     enable Ycbcr emulation: false
I0915 14:29:23.908944   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1287]     guestUsesAngle: false
I0915 14:29:23.908972   98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1288]     useDedicatedAllocations: false
I0915 14:29:23.909777   98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:506] Graphics Adapter Vendor Google (NVIDIA Corporation)
I0915 14:29:23.909904   98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:507] Graphics Adapter Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)/integrated)
I0915 14:29:23.909952   98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:508] Graphics API Version OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.5.0 NVIDIA 32.7.3)
I0915 14:29:23.909983   98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:509] Graphics API Extensions GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_buffer
I0915 14:29:23.910022   98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:510] Graphics Device Extensions N/A
OpenGL Vendor=[Google (NVIDIA Corporation)]OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)/integrated)]OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.5.0 NVIDIA 32.7.3)]Could not init `oss' audio driver
I0915 14:29:24.439422   98794 FrameBuffer.cpp:2853] setDisplayConfigs w 320 h 640 dpiX 160 dpiY 160
I0915 14:29:24.439551   98794 FrameBuffer.cpp:2866] setDisplayActiveConfig 0
WARNING | FeatureControl is requesting a non existing feature.
WARNING | Cold boot: requested by the user


And after compiling ANGLE and the library,I've been able to use the native GPU of the Jetson Nano with Android 13 using these parameters...

$ emulator @android13 -cores 2 -lowram -memory 1000 -gpu host -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -no-snapshot -no-metrics -qemu -machine gic-version=2

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Marietto2008 commented Oct 9, 2024

Instead,I haven't been able to boot succesfully Android Cuttlefish neither on top of Ubuntu 24.04 x64 bit nor on the Jetson Nano on arm64.

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backpapp commented Oct 9, 2024

Unfortunately not, I haven't found the time. I guess the fastest way to get it working would be to use netsimd from x86_64 emulator build and let the Rosetta do its magic.

I eventually used Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS x86_64 (ami-001f2488b35ca8aad) on a c5n.metal with this script and it worked fine :

echo "Updating package list..."
sudo apt update && echo "Package list updated." || echo "Failed to update package list."
echo "Upgrading installed packages..."
sudo apt upgrade -y && echo "Packages upgraded." || echo "Failed to upgrade packages."
echo "Installing required packages..."
yes | sudo apt install default-jdk python3-pip repo python-is-python3 unzip libpcre2-dev adb && echo "Required packages installed." || echo "Failed to install required packages."
echo "Downloading command line tools..."
wget && echo "Command line tools downloaded." || echo "Failed to download command line tools."
echo "Unzipping command line tools..."
unzip -d android-sdk && echo "Command line tools unzipped." || echo "Failed to unzip command line tools."
echo "Moving command line tools to /opt..."
sudo mv android-sdk /opt/ && echo "Moved command line tools to /opt." || echo "Failed to move command line tools."
echo "Creating cmdline-tools directory..."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest && echo "Cmdline-tools directory created." || echo "Failed to create cmdline-tools directory."
echo "Moving files to the latest cmdline-tools directory..."
mv /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/* /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest && echo "Moved files to latest cmdline-tools directory." || echo "Failed to move files to latest cmdline-tools directory."
echo "Setting up environment variables..."
echo "export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_EMULATOR_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL=60" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "Sourcing .bashrc to apply changes..."
source ~/.bashrc
echo "Updating sdkmanager..."
sdkmanager --update && echo "Sdkmanager updated." || echo "Failed to update sdkmanager."
echo "Accepting licenses..."
yes | sdkmanager --licenses && echo "Licenses accepted." || echo "Failed to accept licenses."
echo "Changing directory to /opt/android-sdk..."
cd /opt/android-sdk/ && echo "Changed directory to /opt/android-sdk." || echo "Failed to change directory."
echo "Installing emulator..."
sdkmanager "emulator" && echo "Emulator installed." || echo "Failed to install emulator."
echo "Installing system images..."
sdkmanager "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64" && echo "System images installed." || echo "Failed to install system images."
echo "Creating AVD..."
no | avdmanager -v create avd -f -n Pixel4 -k "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd" && echo "AVD created." || echo "Failed to create AVD."
echo "Creating directories for platforms and platform-tools..."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/platforms && echo "Platforms directory created." || echo "Failed to create platforms directory."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/platform-tools && echo "Platform-tools directory created." || echo "Failed to create platform-tools directory."
echo "Setting Vulkan and GLDirectMem options..."
echo "Vulkan = off" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
echo "GLDirectMem = on" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
echo "Configuration for Vulkan and GLDirectMem set."
sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm
echo "Script execution completed."

echo "logout and re-login"
echo "Then start an emulator using : /opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @Pixel4 -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel"

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If you are getting the following error:
[133:133:20241025,063913.603543:ERROR] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq: No such file or directory (2)
[133:133:20241025,063913.603619:ERROR] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: No such file or directory (2)

I resolved it by downgrading the emulator version. For some reason, there is a problem with the latest emulators - I'm using emulator 11076708.

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wenderzb commented Dec 6, 2024

Hello, @LyubomirStoimchev! I’m facing the same issue, but I couldn’t find version 11076708. Could you please explain how you resolved it?

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@wenderzb Just open and get some of the builds there. The idea is that you need to have v34 emulator, not v35.
Another problem that I faced was with version mismatches between components - it's a good idea everything to be the same version e.g. 34.

Additionally try using aosp_atd and not google_apis.

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the link you provided shows 11076 builds but none of them contain any artifacts anymore, just dead links. Any other ways to get v34 or v33 emulators?

NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist.
No such object: android-build/builds/aosp-emu-master-dev-linux-emulator-linux_aarch64/11076443/3a59717faec96b82bf458e699dee7f0761afdfb0576c8d7b7ea3e02bf0a02cae/

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@TAxdorff Yep, I noticed that the artifacts get periodically deleted, that's why I uploaded it to a drive. You can get it from here -

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Thank you!

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