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Created October 13, 2008 11:09
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Runs Rails tests via command line.
# * rtest unit - runs all unit tests
# * rtest unit post - runs the unit test for the 'post' model
# * rtest unit post comment foo - runs those tests, yep
# * rtest functional - you guessed it!
# * rtest integration - blows up your computer
case ARGV.size
when 0
# run all of them
exec("rake test")
when 1
case ARGV[0]
when 'unit', 'functional'
exec("rake test:#{ARGV[0]}s")
when 'integration'
# The integration task is not plural.
exec("rake test:integration")
# run a given set of tests
here = Dir.pwd
$: << File.join(here, 'lib')
$: << File.join(here, 'test')
test_type = ARGV.shift
test_files = case test_type
when 'unit', 'integration' {|test_name| "test/#{test_type}/#{test_name}_test.rb" }
when 'functional' {|test_name| "test/#{test_type}/#{test_name}_controller_test.rb" }
puts "Running tests: #{test_files.join(' ')}"
test_files.each {|f| load f }
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