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Last active October 27, 2024 05:47
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Split an m4b into its chapters. No recoding is done, just splitting
# Description: Split an m4b into its chapters. No recoding is done, just splitting
# Usage: $input_file $output_dir/
# Requires: ffmpeg, jq
# Author: Hasan Arous
# License: MIT
while read start end title; do
splits="$splits -c copy -ss $start -to $end $out/$title.m4b"
done <<<$(ffprobe -i "$in" -print_format json -show_chapters \
| jq -r '.chapters[] | .start_time + " " + .end_time + " " + (.tags.title | sub(" "; "_"))')
ffmpeg -i "$in" $splits
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NilsIrl commented Jul 21, 2022

ffmpeg -i "$in" $(ffprobe -i "$in" -show_chapters -print_format json | jq -r '[.chapters[] | "-c copy -ss " + .start_time + " -to " + .end_time + " " + (.tags.title + ".m4b" | gsub(" "; "_"))] | join(" ")')


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lefth commented Sep 17, 2023

@michaellammers This version handles spaces and chapters that are not alphabetically sorted, but it requires zsh to run. I did that because zsh handles spaces in variable names and arrays, while bash is tricky. Note that this does not and cannot speed up the audio, because it makes a lossless copy (as in the original version of the gist). Non-m4b formats are also supported, as well as metadata that has the wrong ending timestamp for the last chapter. And the ffprobe commands used above don't work; they need something like -v 0 to avoid outputting a lot of junk for some files.

Note that this technique works for chapterized files, but it will make bad sounding splits if the chapters are random and sometimes fall in the middle of a word.

# Note: this is only good for CHAPTERIZED files. If the breaks come in the middle of a word,
# the result will sound bad.
# Note that other containers are also supported!
if [[ -z $1 || -z $2 ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <in file> <out directory>" >&2
    exit 1

mkdir -p $out

chapters_str=$(ffprobe -i $metadata_source -print_format json -show_chapters -v 0 | \
    jq -r '.chapters[] | .start_time + " " + .end_time + " " + (.tags.title | sub(" "; "_"))')
# Prefix width, like 3 for "001", "002"...
# Skip the end because the last chapter should not have the -to flag, in case
# the metadata is wrong. (It was in one case I saw)
for line in $chapters_arr[1,-2]; do
    echo $line | read start end title
    splits+=(-c copy -c:a copy -map 0:a -ss $start -to $end "$out/${(l:$chapter_width::0:)n} - $title.$extension")
echo $chapters_arr[-1] | read start end title
splits+=(-c copy -c:a copy -map 0:a -ss $start "$out/${(l:$chapter_width::0:)n} - $title.$extension")

ffmpeg -i $in $splits

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Great, thanks! 🙏

@michaellammers This version handles spaces and chapters that are not alphabetically sorted, but it requires zsh to run. I did that because zsh handles spaces in variable names and arrays, while bash is tricky. Note that this does not and cannot speed up the audio, because it makes a lossless copy (as in the original version of the gist):

if [[ -z $1 || -z $2 ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <in file> <out directory>" >&2
    exit 1

mkdir -p $out

chapters_str=$(ffprobe -i $in -print_format json -show_chapters | \
    jq -r '.chapters[] | .start_time + " " + .end_time + " " + (.tags.title | sub(" "; "_"))')
# Prefix width, like 3 for "001", "002"...
width=$(($(echo $chapters_str | wc -l | wc -c) - 1))
echo $chapters_str | \
while read start end title; do
    splits+=(-c copy -c:a copy -map 0:a -ss $start -to $end "$out/${(l:$width::0:)n} - $title.m4b")

ffmpeg -i $in $splits

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