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Created June 9, 2016 00:26
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from lxml import html
import requests, os
wowhead = ""
wantedStats = ['Agility or Strength or Intellect', 'Strength', 'Agility', 'Intellect', 'Attack Power', 'Spell Power', 'Haste', 'Critical Strike', 'Mastery', 'Versatility', 'Multistrike']
def getItemNumber(itemNumber=114979):
if itemNumber == 114979:
itemNumber = raw_input("Please enter the item number you wish to test:\n\t")
return int(itemNumber)
print "You did not enter a valid item number"
itemNumber = getItemNumber()
def getFileName(fileName='blah'):
if fileName == 'blah':
fileName = raw_input("Please enter the Character-Spec that you want to test:\n\t")
if fileName in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
return fileName
print "You did not enter a valid file name"
fileName = getFileName('blah')
def getItemScore(formattedStats):
itemValue = 0
for x in formattedStats:
if x != formattedStats[len(formattedStats)-1]:
statValue = x.split(' ')[0]
statName = x.replace(statValue + ' ', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
if statName in wantedStats[0]:
itemValue += statRatios[wantedStats[0]] * float(statValue)
itemValue += statRatios[statName] * float(statValue)
return itemValue
def getStatRatios():
statWeights = {}
character = open(getFileName(), 'r+')
for line in character:
for stat in wantedStats:
if stat in line:
statWeights[stat] = float(line.split(' ')[0])
if stat in wantedStats[0]:
statWeights[wantedStats[0]] = float(line.split(' ')[0])
return statWeights
def queryItem(itemQueryNumber):
page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
mainStat = tree.xpath('//span/text()')
name = str(tree.xpath('//title/text()')[0]).split('-')[0]
formattedStats = []
for x in mainStat:
potentialStat = x
potentialStat = str(x)
if 'Strength' in potentialStat or 'Agility' in potentialStat or 'Intellect' in potentialStat:
if ') Set' in potentialStat and ' set ' not in name:
name += '!!! has a set bonus!!!'
if 'Use' in potentialStat and ' use 'not in name:
name += '!!! has an on use effect!!!'
if 'Equip:' in potentialStat and ' on proc 'not in name:
name += '!!! has an on proc effect!!!'
potentialStat = x.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return formattedStats
statRatios = getStatRatios()
itemQueryOne = getItemNumber()
statListOne = queryItem(itemQueryOne)
itemScoreOne = getItemScore(statListOne)
itemQueryTwo = getItemNumber()
statListTwo = queryItem(itemQueryTwo)
itemScoreTwo = getItemScore(statListTwo)
print "\n\t" + statListOne[len(statListOne)-1] + "\n\t vs. \n\t" + statListTwo[len(statListTwo)-1]
if itemScoreOne > itemScoreTwo:
print "\n%s is better"%statListOne[len(statListOne)-1]
print "\n%s is better"%statListTwo[len(statListTwo)-1]
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