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Austin Ginder austinginder

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austinginder / Offloading WordPress uploads to
Last active February 9, 2025 12:18
Offloading WordPress uploads to B2

NGINX rules for serving offloaded WordPress uploads to B2 bucket

  • Create a public B2 bucket and path to house your WordPress uploads.
  • Add the following NGINX rules to Kinsta and replace Bucket/folder with newly created B2 path. Also update f001 according to your B2 bucket settings.
  • Use rclone to move uploads from your WordPress uploads to B2.
  • Enjoy!
 # Serve local uploads from disk.
  location ^~ /wp-content/uploads/ {
austinginder / fix-xero-reconcile-page.js
Last active April 10, 2023 01:09
On Xero reconcile page, expand shortened descriptions back to full descriptions. Copy and paste into Chrome's DevTools. Solves
items = document.querySelectorAll('span[data-testid="notes"]')
items.forEach((item) => {
item.innerHTML = item.title
document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("click", evt => {
if ("okayButton") ) {
items = document.querySelectorAll('span[data-testid="notes"]')
items.forEach((item) => {
item.innerHTML = item.title
austinginder / tracker.min.js
Last active May 2, 2022 16:19
Rewritten tracker.js for Fathom Lite
Rewritten tracker.js template for self hosted Fathom with bundled trackerUrl details.
Use this as a template and included directly with each website you plan on tracking.
Add the following script tag to embed.
<script src="/wp-content/mu-plugins/tracker.js" data-site="ABCDEFG" defer></script>
See unminified version here:
window.fathom_lite=function(){var e={siteId:"",trackerUrl:"//your-tracker-domain.tld/collect"};function t(){return{isNewVisitor:!0,isNewSession:!0,pagesViewed:[],previousPageviewId:"",lastSeen:+new Date}}function n(){let e=new Date;e.setMinutes(e.getMinutes()-30);let n=function(e){for(var t=document.cookie?document.cookie.split("; "):[],n=0;n<t.length;n++){var i=t[n].split("=");if(decodeURIComponent(i[0])===e){var r=i.slice(1).join("=");return decodeURIComponent(r)}}return""}("_fathom_lite");if(!n)return t();try{n=JSON.parse(n)}catch(e){return console.error(e),t()}return n.lastSeen<+e&&(n.isNewSession
austinginder / tracker.js
Last active January 19, 2021 15:27
Rewritten tracker.js for Fathom Lite
Rewritten tracker.js template for self hosted Fathom with bundled trackerUrl details.
Use this as a template and included directly with each website you plan on tracking.
Add the following script tag to embed.
<script src="/wp-content/mu-plugins/tracker.js" data-site="ABCDEFG" defer></script>
See minified version here:
austinginder /
Last active April 4, 2020 13:23
Bash script template for deploying many keys and values to wp-config.php for WordPress sites.
austinginder / migration-captaincore-v0.9-to-v0.10-rename-dirs.php
Created February 6, 2020 21:30
One time script to migrate directories to new Site IDs. Requires `ids-sites_{$captain_id}.json` outputted from
if ( count ( $args ) == 0 ) {
echo "Error: missing <captain_id> argument.";
$json = $_SERVER['HOME'] . "/.captaincore-cli/config.json";
$config_data = json_decode ( file_get_contents( $json ) );
$system = $config_data[0]->system;
austinginder / migration-captaincore-v0.9-to-v0.10-alpha.php
Last active January 29, 2020 19:23
Manually migrate data between alpha versions of CaptainCore. (in progress, not yet completed).
$users = array_column( get_users ( [ 'fields' => [ 'ID' ] ] ), "ID" );
$ids_accounts_json = "ids-accounts.json";
$ids_sites_json = "ids-sites.json";
$ids_domains_json = "ids-domains.json";
$ids_processes_json = "ids-processes.json";
$ids_processlogs_json = "ids-processlogs.json";
// Generate empty .json if needed
## Pull in static configs
source ~/.bash_anchorhost
function wpengine_local_restore {
## Prompt for dynamic configs
read -p $'\e[31mWP Engine snapshot url\e[0m: ' wpengine_snapshot
read -p $'\e[31mLocal database name (will create)\e[0m: ' db_name
read -p $'\e[31mProduction site url ( ex: )\e[0m: ' siteurl_production
read -p $'\e[31mLocal site url ( ex: )\e[0m: ' siteurl_local
austinginder / protected.php
Last active January 29, 2020 16:59 — forked from hakre/dl-file.php
Wordpress login to download uploaded files
* protected.php
* Protect uploaded files with login.
* @link
* @author hakre <>
* @license GPL-3.0+
### PHP command line wrapper for WP Engine's web based WP-CLI
### Example command line: php wp_engine_cli.php -i wp_install_name -c "cli info"
# Grab options from command line
$options = getopt("i:c:");
# Break out into variables
$install = $options["i"];