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type Precedence = Int | |
data Associativity = AssocL | AssocR | |
data Token = Operand Int | Operator String (Int -> Int -> Int) Associativity Precedence | ParenL | ParenR | |
instance Show Token where | |
show (Operator s _ _ _) = s | |
show (Operand x) = show x | |
show ParenL = "(" | |
show ParenR = ")" | |
instance Eq Token where | |
Operator s1 _ _ _ == Operator s2 _ _ _ = s1 == s2 | |
Operand x1 == Operand x2 = x1 == x2 | |
ParenL == ParenL = True | |
ParenR == ParenR = True | |
_ == _ = False | |
evalMath :: String -> Int | |
evalMath = rpn . shuntingYard . tokenize | |
tokenize :: String -> [Token] | |
tokenize = map token . words | |
where token s@"+" = Operator s (+) AssocL 2 | |
token s@"-" = Operator s (-) AssocL 2 | |
token s@"*" = Operator s (*) AssocL 3 | |
token s@"/" = Operator s div AssocL 3 | |
token s@"^" = Operator s (^) AssocR 4 | |
token "(" = ParenL | |
token ")" = ParenR | |
token x = Operand $ read x | |
shuntingYard :: [Token] -> [Token] | |
shuntingYard = finish . foldl shunt ([], []) | |
where finish (tokens, ops) = (reverse tokens) ++ ops | |
shunt (tokens, ops) token@(Operand _) = (token:tokens, ops) | |
shunt (tokens, ops) token@(Operator _ _ _ _) = ((reverse higher) ++ tokens, token:lower) | |
where (higher, lower) = span (higherPrecedence token) ops | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ AssocL prec1) (Operator _ _ _ prec2) = prec1 <= prec2 | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ AssocR prec1) (Operator _ _ _ prec2) = prec1 < prec2 | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ _ _) ParenL = False | |
shunt (tokens, ops) ParenL = (tokens, ParenL:ops) | |
shunt (tokens, ops) ParenR = ((reverse afterParen) ++ tokens, tail beforeParen) | |
where (afterParen, beforeParen) = break (== ParenL) ops | |
rpn :: [Token] -> Int | |
rpn = head . foldl rpn' [] | |
where rpn' (x:y:ys) (Operator _ f _ _) = (f x y):ys | |
rpn' xs (Operand x) = x:xs | |
main = do | |
putStrLn $ "Tokens: " ++ (unwords $ (map show) $ tokenize exp) | |
putStrLn $ "RPN: " ++ (unwords $ (map show) $ shuntingYard $ tokenize exp) | |
putStrLn $ "Result: " ++ (show $ rpn $ shuntingYard $ tokenize exp) | |
where exp = "2 ^ 3 ^ 4 + ( 1 + 1 ) * 2" |
type Precedence = Int | |
data Associativity = AssocL | AssocR | |
data Result = I Int | B Bool deriving (Eq) | |
data Token = Operand Result | Operator String (Result -> Result -> Result) Associativity Precedence | ParenL | ParenR | |
instance Show Result where | |
show (I x) = show x | |
show (B x) = show x | |
instance Show Token where | |
show (Operator s _ _ _) = s | |
show (Operand x) = show x | |
show ParenL = "(" | |
show ParenR = ")" | |
instance Eq Token where | |
Operator s1 _ _ _ == Operator s2 _ _ _ = s1 == s2 | |
Operand x1 == Operand x2 = x1 == x2 | |
ParenL == ParenL = True | |
ParenR == ParenR = True | |
_ == _ = False | |
evalMath :: String -> Result | |
evalMath = rpn . shuntingYard . tokenize | |
liftIII f (I x) (I y) = I $ f x y | |
liftIIB f (I x) (I y) = B $ f x y | |
liftBBB f (B x) (B y) = B $ f x y | |
tokenize :: String -> [Token] | |
tokenize = map token . words | |
where token s@"&&" = Operator s (liftBBB (&&)) AssocL 0 | |
token s@"||" = Operator s (liftBBB (||)) AssocL 0 | |
token s@"=" = Operator s (liftIIB (==)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@"!=" = Operator s (liftIIB (/=)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@">" = Operator s (liftIIB (<)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@"<" = Operator s (liftIIB (>)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@"<=" = Operator s (liftIIB (>=)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@">=" = Operator s (liftIIB (<=)) AssocL 1 | |
token s@"+" = Operator s (liftIII (+)) AssocL 2 | |
token s@"-" = Operator s (liftIII (-)) AssocL 2 | |
token s@"*" = Operator s (liftIII (*)) AssocL 3 | |
token s@"/" = Operator s (liftIII div) AssocL 3 | |
token s@"^" = Operator s (liftIII (^)) AssocR 4 | |
token "(" = ParenL | |
token ")" = ParenR | |
token "f" = Operand $ B False | |
token "t" = Operand $ B True | |
token x = Operand $ I $ read x | |
shuntingYard :: [Token] -> [Token] | |
shuntingYard = finish . foldl shunt ([], []) | |
where finish (tokens, ops) = (reverse tokens) ++ ops | |
shunt (tokens, ops) token@(Operand _) = (token:tokens, ops) | |
shunt (tokens, ops) token@(Operator _ _ _ _) = ((reverse higher) ++ tokens, token:lower) | |
where (higher, lower) = span (higherPrecedence token) ops | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ AssocL prec1) (Operator _ _ _ prec2) = prec1 <= prec2 | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ AssocR prec1) (Operator _ _ _ prec2) = prec1 < prec2 | |
higherPrecedence (Operator _ _ _ _) ParenL = False | |
shunt (tokens, ops) ParenL = (tokens, ParenL:ops) | |
shunt (tokens, ops) ParenR = ((reverse afterParen) ++ tokens, tail beforeParen) | |
where (afterParen, beforeParen) = break (== ParenL) ops | |
rpn :: [Token] -> Result | |
rpn = head . foldl rpn' [] | |
where rpn' (x:y:ys) (Operator _ f _ _) = (f x y):ys | |
rpn' xs (Operand x) = x:xs | |
main = do | |
putStrLn $ "Tokens: " ++ (unwords $ (map show) $ tokenize exp) | |
putStrLn $ "RPN: " ++ (unwords $ (map show) $ shuntingYard $ tokenize exp) | |
putStrLn $ "Result: " ++ (show $ rpn $ shuntingYard $ tokenize exp) | |
where exp = "2 ^ 3 ^ 4 + ( 1 + 1 ) * 2 > 4000 && 1 + 1 = 2 || f" |
The instance of Eq
for Token
(lines 11-16) are only necessary for the (== ParenL)
on line 43. Everything else uses pattern matching. I tried to use pattern matching on line 43, but it resulting in two more lines of code which seemed like way too much for the situation. It's hard to argue that six lines are better than two, but the two seemed really inexpressive in context. I can't derive Eq
for Token
because there is no Eq
instance for (Int -> Int -> Int)
, obviously.
If someone knows a better way to handle that kind of situation, I'd be thrilled to hear about it.
The second version adds comparisons and boolean operators & literals. It took me a while to figure out how to do this. In the end, it didn't require any change to the algorithm at all (except for the return type of rpn
and evalMath
). Overall, I'm really impressed with the way Haskell allows you to reuse an algorithm just by tweaking the types to be a little more general.
Obviously, a malformed input will fail pattern matching and blow up. This was actually the case before, but the opportunities for error are more numerous now. Error handling would be a good next step. Hopefully it won't be too invasive.
Unfortunately, the Ruby version I wrote is entangled with a Treetop grammar, so it isn't a very good comparison. You can see parts of it on my blog.