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Created June 10, 2015 02:14
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// create the root namespace and making sure we're not overwriting it
// create a general purpose namespace method
// this will allow us to create namespace a bit easier
MYAPPLICATION.createNS = function (namespace) {
var nsparts = namespace.split(".");
var parent = MYAPPLICATION;
// we want to be able to include or exclude the root namespace
// So we strip it if it's in the namespace
if (nsparts[0] === "MYAPPLICATION") {
nsparts = nsparts.slice(1);
// loop through the parts and create
// a nested namespace if necessary
for (var i = 0; i < nsparts.length; i++) {
var partname = nsparts[i];
// check if the current parent already has
// the namespace declared, if not create it
if (typeof parent[partname] === "undefined") {
parent[partname] = {};
// get a reference to the deepest element
// in the hierarchy so far
parent = parent[partname];
// the parent is now completely constructed
// with empty namespaces and can be used.
return parent;
// Create the namespace for products
MYAPPLICATION.MODEL.PRODUCTS.product = function(width, height){
// private variables
var dimensions = {
width: width,
height: height
// private methods
// creating getWidth and getHeight
// to prevent access by reference to dimensions
var getWidth = function(){
return dimensions.width;
var getHeight = function(){
return dimensions.height;
// public API
return {
getWidth: getWidth,
getHeight: getHeight
// Create the namespace for the logic
MYAPPLICATION.LOGIC.BUSINESS.createAndAlertProduct = function () {
var p = new model.product(50,100);
alert(p.getWidth() + " " + p.getHeight());
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