# pak::pak("treedater")
#> Loading required package: ape
#> Loading required package: limSolve
# make a random tree
tre <- ape::rtree(10)
# simulate sample times based on distance from root to tip:
sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength(tre)[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label)
# modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3:
tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3
# treedater:
td <- dater(tre = tre, sts = sts*100, s=1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015)
#> Note: Minimum temporal branch length (*minblen*) set to 2.097628202755. Increase *minblen* in the event of convergence failures.
#> Warning in dater(tre = tre, sts = sts * 100, s = 1000, clock = "strict", :
#> omega0 provided incompatible with numStartConditions > 0. Setting
#> numStartConditions to zero.
#> Tree is rooted. Not estimating root position.
# note: I multiplied sample times to get integer values
datertree <- td$intree
datertree$edge.length <- td$edge.length
# parametric bootstrap:
pb <- parboot(td, nreps=25)
#> Running in quiet mode. To print progress, set quiet=FALSE.
#> NOTE: Running with overrideSearchRoot will speed up execution but may underestimate variance.
#> NOTE: Running with overrideTempConstraint will speed up execution but may underestimate variance. Bootstrap tree replicates may have negative branch lengths.
# time of common ancestor
#> pseudo ML 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> Time of common ancestor 8.448801e+01 5.341243e+01 8.448801e+01
#> Mean substitution rate 4.832436e-05 3.760551e-05 6.209843e-05
#> For more detailed output, $trees provides a list of each fit to each simulation
#> 2.5% 97.5%
#> 53.41243 84.48801
# plot lineages through time
19 elements = 10 tips and 9 internal nodes
tre_ntip <- ape::Ntip(tre)
tre_nnode <- ape::Nnode(tre)
tre_all <- tre_ntip + tre_nnode
25 replicates
# x <- 17
# sapply( pb$trees, function(tr) tr$timeOfMRCA + node.depth.edgelength(tr)[x] ) |>
# quantile(prob=c(.025, .975))
out <- NULL
for (x in 1:tre_all) {
new <- sapply( pb$trees, function(tr) tr$timeOfMRCA + node.depth.edgelength(tr)[x] ) |>
quantile(prob=c(.025, .975)) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(element = x)
out <- bind_rows(out,new)
# out %>% print()
out %>%
group_by(element) %>%
mutate(value_min = min(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(value = as.character(value)) %>%
filter(!magrittr::is_in(element,1:tre_ntip)) %>%
arrange(value_min) %>%
#> # A tibble: 18 × 3
#> value element value_min
#> <chr> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 53.4124256271064 11 53.4
#> 2 84.488007707987 11 53.4
#> 3 68.1757009803594 17 68.2
#> 4 86.585635910742 17 68.2
#> 5 70.8420537365323 18 70.8
#> 6 88.683264113497 18 70.8
#> 7 112.003506340798 19 112.
#> 8 147.141767984722 19 112.
#> 9 120.818052033801 12 121.
#> 10 137.292099660262 12 121.
#> 11 128.566465760904 15 129.
#> 12 139.389727863017 15 129.
#> 13 156.951521054786 16 157.
#> 14 210.067560752628 16 157.
#> 15 167.536981710331 13 168.
#> 16 201.498920742888 13 168.
#> 17 223.480924229751 14 223.
#> 18 240.923771162052 14 223.
the uncertainty of nodes is listed after the tips for that reason, we drop all the rows from 1 to ‘number of tips’ we arrange the values in ascendant order and the first value match the MRCA
#> 2.5% 97.5%
#> 53.41243 84.48801
# end
Created on 2024-09-03 with reprex v2.1.0
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