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Last active September 20, 2024 10:40
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filter countries in Africa with social contact survey data
# Get all countries names and... regex!!
all_countries <- countrycode::codelist
# Filter countries in the Africa continent
africa_countries <- all_countries %>%
select(continent,, %>%
filter(continent == "Africa")
#> # A tibble: 59 × 3
#> continent
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Africa Algeria "algeria"
#> 2 Africa Angola "angola"
#> 3 Africa Benin "benin|dahome"
#> 4 Africa Botswana "botswana|bechuana"
#> 5 Africa Burkina Faso "burkina|\\bfaso|upper.?volta"
#> 6 Africa Burundi "burundi"
#> 7 Africa Cameroon "cameroon"
#> 8 Africa Cape Verde "verde"
#> 9 Africa Central African Republic "\\bcentral.african.rep"
#> 10 Africa Chad "\\bchad"
#> # ℹ 49 more rows
# Create a single string reprex
africa_reprex <- africa_countries %>%
# slice_tail(n = 2) %>%
pull( %>%
paste(collapse = "|")
# Filter countries in Africa with social contact survey data
socialmixr::list_surveys() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(location = str_to_lower(title)) %>%
negate = FALSE # change to TRUE to double check excluding by accident
)) %>%
select(title, url)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#> title url
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Social contact data for Zimbabwe https://doi…
#> 2 Social contact data for Zambia and South Africa (CODA dataset) https://doi…
#> 3 Social contact data for IDPs in Somaliland (2019) https://doi…
#> 4 Social contact data for the BHDSS and FWHDSS in the Gambia (2022) https://doi…
# Get one country survey using the URL
gambia_survey <- socialmixr::get_survey(
survey = ""
#> Using Social contact data for the BHDSS and FWHDSS in the Gambia (2022). To cite this in a publication, use the 'get_citation()' function
# Load contact matrix from survey
survey = gambia_survey,
countries = "Gambia",
age.limits = c(0,20,40),
symmetric = TRUE
#> Removing participants that have contacts without age information. To change this behaviour, set the '' option
#> $matrix
#> [0,20) [20,40) 40+
#> [1,] 9.523684 3.188249 1.598430
#> [2,] 6.356374 4.630573 2.195776
#> [3,] 5.940886 4.093441 3.116197
#> $demography
#> population proportion year
#> <char> <num> <num> <int>
#> 1: [0,20) 1116876 0.5647679 2015
#> 2: [20,40) 560206 0.2832780 2015
#> 3: 40+ 300502 0.1519541 2015
#> $participants
#> participants proportion
#> <char> <int> <num>
#> 1: [0,20) 1140 0.72106262
#> 2: [20,40) 157 0.09930424
#> 3: 40+ 284 0.17963314
<sup>Created on 2024-09-19 with [reprex v2.1.1](</sup>
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