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ES6 bnf grammer - See
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
/* ebnf file for es 6 - MAY CONTAIN ERRORS / DISAMBIGUITY */ | |
Grammer::= Statement | |
/* Lexical grammer */ | |
SourceCharacter ::= #x0000-#x10FFFF | |
InputElementDiv ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | CommonToken | DivPunctuator | RightBracePunctuator | |
InputElementRegExp ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | CommonToken | RightBracePunctuator | RegularExpressionLiteral | |
InputElementRegExpOrTemplateTail ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | CommonToken | RegularExpressionLiteral | TemplateSubstitutionTail | |
InputElementTemplateTail ::= WhiteSpace | LineTerminator | Comment | CommonToken | DivPunctuator | TemplateSubstitutionTail | |
WhiteSpace ::= "<TAB>" | "<VT>" | "<FF>" | "<SP>" | "<NBSP>" | "<ZWNBSP>" | "<USP>" | |
LineTerminator ::= "<LF>" | "<CR>" | "<LS>" | "<PS>" /* #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029 */ | |
LineTerminatorSequence ::= "<LF>" | "<CR>" "<LF>"? | "<LS>" | "<PS>" | |
Comment ::= MultiLineComment | SingleLineComment | |
MultiLineComment ::= "/*" MultiLineCommentChars? "*/" | |
MultiLineCommentChars ::= MultiLineNotAsteriskChar MultiLineCommentChars? | |
PostAsteriskCommentChars ::= MultiLineNotForwardSlashOrAsteriskChar MultiLineCommentChars? | "*" PostAsteriskCommentChars? | |
MultiLineNotAsteriskChar ::= /* SourceCharacter but not */ [^*] | |
MultiLineNotForwardSlashOrAsteriskChar ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of */ [^/*] | |
SingleLineComment ::= "/" "/" SingleLineCommentChars? | |
SingleLineCommentChars ::= SingleLineCommentChar SingleLineCommentChars? | |
SingleLineCommentChar ::= /* SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator*/ [^ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029 ] | |
CommonToken ::= IdentifierName | Punctuator | NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | Template | |
IdentifierName ::= IdentifierStart | IdentifierName IdentifierPart | |
IdentifierStart ::= UnicodeIDStart | "$" | "_" | "\" UnicodeEscapeSequence | |
IdentifierPart ::= UnicodeIDContinue | "$" | "_" | "\" UnicodeEscapeSequence | "<ZWNJ>" | "<ZWJ>" | |
UnicodeIDStart ::= [] /* Unicode 5.1 or later */ | |
UnicodeIDContinue ::= [] /* Unicode 5.1 or later */ | |
ReservedWord ::= Keyword | FutureReservedWord | NullLIteral | BooleanLiteral | |
Keyword ::= "break" | "case" | "catch" | "class" | "const" | "continue" | "debugger" | "default" | "delete" | | |
"do" | "else" | "export" | "extends" | "finally" | "for" | "function" | "if" | "import" | | |
"in" | "instanceof" | "new" | "return" | "super" | "switch" | "this" | "throw" | "try" | | |
"typeof" | "var" | "void" | "while" | "with" | "yield" | |
FutureReservedWord ::= "enum" | "await" /* await is only treated as a FutureReservedWord when Module is the goal symbol of the syntactic grammar. */ | |
/* The following tokens are also considered to be FutureReservedWords when parsing strict mode code: */ | |
| "implements" | "interface" | "package" | "private" | "protected" | "public" | |
Punctuator ::= "{" | "}" | "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "." | ";" | "," | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | | |
"+" | "-" | "*" | "%" | "++" | "--" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "&" | "|" | "^" | | |
"!" | "~" | "&&" | "?" | ":" | "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "=>" | |
DivPunctuator ::= "/" | "/=" | |
RightBracePunctuator ::= "}" | |
NullLiteral ::= "null" | |
BooleanLiteral ::= "true" | "false" | |
NumbericLiteral ::= DecimalLiteral | BinaryLiteral | OctalIntegerLiteral | HexIntegerLiteral | |
DecimalLiteral ::= DecimalIntegerLiteral "." DecimalDigits? ExponentPart? | "." DecimalDigits ExponentPart? | DecimalIntegerLiteral ExponentPart? | |
DecimalIntegerLiteral ::= "0" | NonZeroDigit DecimalDigits? | |
DecimalDigits ::= DecimalDigit | DecimalDigits DecimalDigit | |
DecimalDigit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | |
NonZeroDigit ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | |
ExponentPart ::= ExponentIndicator SignedInteger | |
ExponentIndicator ::= "e" | "E" | |
SignedInteger ::= DecimalDigits | "+" DecimalDigits | "-" DecimalDigits | |
BinaryIntegerLiteral ::= "0b" BinaryDigits | "0B" BinaryDigits | |
BinaryDigits ::= BinaryDigit | BinaryDigits BinaryDigit | |
BinaryDigit ::= "0" | "1" | |
OctalIntegerLiteral ::= "0o" OctalDigits | "0O" OctalDigits | |
OctalDigits ::= OctalDigit | OctalDigits OctalDigit | |
OctalDigit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | |
HexIntegerLiteral ::= "0x" HexDigits | "0X" HexDigits | |
HexDigits ::= HexDigit | HexDigits HexDigit | |
HexDigit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | |
StringLiteral ::= '"' DoubleStringCharacters? '"' | '"' SingleStringCharacters? '"' | |
DoubleStringCharacters ::= DoubleStringCharacter DoubleStringCharacters? | |
SingleStringCharacters ::= SingleStringCharacter SingleStringCharacters? | |
DoubleStringCharacter ::= /* chars are lineTerminators */ [^" \ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029] | "\" EscapeSequence | LineContinuation | |
SingleStringCharacter ::= /* chars are lineTerminators */ [^' \ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029] | "\" EscapeSequence | LineContinuation | |
LineContinuation ::= "\" LineTerminatorSequence | |
EscapeSequence ::= CharacterEscapeSequence | "0" /* lookahead not DecimalDigit */ [^ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] | HexEscapeSequence | UnicodeEscapeSequence | |
CharacterEscapeSequence ::= SingleEscapeCharacter | NonEscapeCharacter | |
SingleEscapeCharacter ::= "'" | '"' | "\" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | |
NonEscapeCharacter ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of EscapeCharacter or LineTerminator */ [^ ' " \ b f n r t v #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029] | |
EscapeCharacter ::= SingleEscapeCharacter | DecimalDigit | "x" | "u" | |
HexEscapeSequence ::= "x" HexDigit HexDigit | |
UnicodeEscapeSequence ::= "u" Hex4Digits | "u{" HexDigits "}" | |
Hex4Digits ::= HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit | |
RegularExpressionLiteral ::= "/" RegularExpressionBody "/" RegularExpressionFlags | |
RegularExpressionBody ::= RegularExpressionFirstChar RegularExpressionChars | |
RegularExpressionChars ::= | RegularExpressionChars RegularExpressionChar | |
RegularExpressionFirstChar ::= /* RegularExpressionNonTerminator but not one of * or \ or / or [ */ [^ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029 * \ / []| RegularExpressionBackslashSequence | RegularExpressionClass | |
RegularExpressionChar ::= /* RegularExpressionNonTerminator but not one of \ or / or [ */ [^ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029 \ / []| RegularExpressionBackslashSequence | RegularExpressionClass | |
RegularExpressionBackslashSequence ::= "\" RegularExpressionNonTerminator | |
RegularExpressionNonTerminator ::= /* SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator */ [^#x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029] | |
RegularExpressionClass ::= "[" RegularExpressionClassChars "]" | |
RegularExpressionClassChars ::= | RegularExpressionClassChars RegularExpressionClassChar | |
RegularExpressionClassChar ::= /* RegularExpressionNonTerminator but not one of ] or \ */ [^ \ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029 #x005D] | RegularExpressionBackslashSequence | |
RegularExpressionFlags ::= | RegularExpressionFlags IdentifierPart | |
Template ::= NoSubstitutionTemplate | TemplateHead | |
NoSubstitutionTemplate ::= "`" TemplateCharacters? "`" | |
TemplateHead ::= "`" TemplateCharacters? "${" | |
TemplateSubstitutionTail ::= TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail | |
TemplateMiddle ::= "}" TemplateCharacters? "${" | |
TemplateTail ::= "}" TemplateCharacters? "`" | |
TemplateCharacters ::= TemplateCharacter TemplateCharacters? | |
TemplateCharacter ::= "$" [^{] | "\" EscapeSequence | LineContinuation | LineTerminatorSequence | /* SourceCharacter but not one of ` or \ or $ or LineTerminator */ [^ ` \ $ #x0012 #x0015 #x2028 #x2029] | |
/* Expressions */ | |
IdentifierReference ::= Identifier | /* [~Yield] */ "yield" | |
BindingIdentifier ::= Identifier | /* [~Yield] */ "yield" | |
LabelIdentifier ::= Identifier | /* [~Yield] */ "yield" | |
Identifier ::= /* IdentifierName but not ReservedWord */ IdentifierName | |
PrimaryExpression ::= "this" | IdentifierReference | Literal | ArrayLiteral | ObjectLiteral | FunctionExpression | ClassExpression | GeneratorExpression | RegularExpressionLiteral | | |
TemplateLIteral | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList | |
CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList ::= "(" Expression ")" | "(" ")" | "(" "..." BindingIdentifier ")" | "(" Expression "," "..." BindingIdentifier ")" | |
ParenthesizedExpression ::= "(" Expression ")" | |
Literal ::= NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | NumbericLiteral | StringLiteral | |
ArrayLiteral ::= "[" Elision? "]" | "[" ElementList "]" | "[" ElementList "," Elision? "]" | |
ElementList ::= Elision? AssignmentExpression | Elision? SpreadElement | ElementList "," Elision? AssignmentExpression | ElementLIst "," | Elision? SpreadElement | |
Elision ::= "," | Elision "," | |
SpreadElement ::= "..." AssignmentExpression | |
ObjectLiteral ::= "{" "}" | "{" PropertyDefinitionList "}" | "{" PropertyDefinitionList "," "}" | |
PropertyDefinitionList ::= PropertyDefinition | PropertyDefinitionList "," PropertyDefinition | |
PropertyDefinition ::= IdentifierReference | CoverInitializedName | PropertyName ":" AssignmentExpression | MethodDefinition | |
PropertyName ::= LiteralPropertyName | ComputedPropertyName | |
LiteralPropertyName ::= IdentifierName | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | |
ComputedPropertyName ::= "[" AssignmentExpression "]" | |
CoverInitializedName ::= IdentifierReference Initializer | |
Initializer ::= "=" AssignmentExpression | |
TemplateLiteral ::= NoSubstitutionTemplate | TemplateHead Expression TemplateSpans | |
TemplateSpans ::= TemplateTail | TemplateMiddleList TemplateTail | |
TemplateMiddleList ::= TemplateMiddle Expression | TemplateMiddleList TemplateMiddle Expression | |
MemberExpression ::= PrimaryExpression | MemberExpression "[" Expression "]" | MemberExpression "." IdentifierName | MemberExpression TemplateLiteral | |
| SuperProperty | MetaProperty | "new" MemberExpression Arguments | |
SuperProperty ::= "super" "[" Expression "]" | "super" "." IdentifierName | |
MetaProperty ::= NewTarget | |
NewTarget ::= "new" "." "target" | |
NewExpression ::= MemberExpression | "new" NewExpression | |
CallExpression ::= MemberExpression Arguments | SuperCall | CallExpression Arguments | CallExpression "[" Expression "]" | CallExpression "." IdentifierName | CallExpression TemplateLiteral | |
SuperCall ::= "super" Arguments | |
Arguments ::= "(" ")" | "(" ArgumentList ")" | |
ArgumentList ::= AssignmentExpression | "..." AssignmentExpression | ArgumentList "," AssignmentExpression | ArugmentList "," "..." AssignmentExpression | |
LeftHandSideExpression ::= NewExpression | CallExpression | |
PostfixExpression ::= LeftHandSideExpression | LeftHandSideExpression /* no LineTerminator here */ "++" | LeftHandSideExpression /* no LineTerminator here */ "--" | |
UnaryExpression ::= PostfixExpression | "delete" UnaryExpression | "void" UnaryExpression | "typeof" UnaryExpression | |
| "++" UnaryExpression | "--" UnaryExpression | "+" UnaryExpression | "-" UnaryExpression | "~" UnaryExpression | "!" UnaryExpression | |
MultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression | MultiplicativeExpression MultiplicativeOperator UnaryExpression | |
MultiplicativeOperator ::= [* / %] | |
AdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression | AdditiveExpression "+" MultiplicativeExpression | AdditiveExpression "-" MultiplicativeExpression | |
ShiftExpression ::= AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression ">>>" AdditiveExpression | |
RelationalExpression ::= ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression "<" ShiftExpression | |
| RelationalExpression ">" ShiftExpression | |
| RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression | |
| RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression | |
| RelationalExpression "instanceof" ShiftExpression | |
| RelationalExpression "in" ShiftExpression | |
EqualityExpression ::= RelationalExpression | |
| EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression | |
| EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression | |
| EqualityExpression "===" RelationalExpression | |
| EqualityExpression "!==" RelationalExpression | |
BitwiseANDExpression ::= RelationalExpression | |
| BitwiseANDExpression "&" RelationalExpression | |
BitwiseXORExpression ::= BitwiseANDExpression | |
| BitwiseXORExpression "^" BitwiseANDExpression | |
BitwiseORExpression ::= BitwiseXORExpression | |
| BitwiseORExpression "|" BitwiseXORExpression | |
ConditionalExpression ::= LogicalORExpression | |
| LogicalORExpression "?" AssignmentExpression ":" AssignmentExpression | |
AssignmentExpression ::= ConditionalExpression | |
| YieldExpression | |
| ArrowFunction | |
| LeftHandSideExpression "=" AssignmentExpression | |
| LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression | |
AssignmentOperator ::= "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" | |
Expression ::= AssignmentExpression | Expression AssignmentExpression | |
/* Statements */ | |
Statement ::= BlockStatement | VariableStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | IfStatement | |
| BreakableStatement | ContinueStatement | BreakStatement | ReturnStatement | WithStatement | |
| LabelledStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | DebuggerStatement | |
Declaration ::= HoistableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | LexicalDeclaration | |
HoistableDeclaration ::= FunctionDeclaration | GeneratorDeclaration | |
BreakableStatement ::= IterationStatement | SwitchStatement | |
BlockStatement ::= Block | |
Block ::= "{" StatementList? "}" | |
StatementList ::= StatementListItem | StatementList StatementListItem | |
StatementListItem ::= Statement | Declaration | |
LexicalDeclaration ::= LetOrConst BindingList | |
LetOrConst ::= "let" | "const" | |
BindingList ::= LexicalBinding | BindingList "," LexicalBinding | |
LexicalBinding ::= BindingIdentifier Initializer? | BindingPattern Initializer | |
VariableStatement ::= "var" VariableDeclarationList | |
VariableDeclarationList ::= VariableDeclaration | VariableDeclarationList "," VariableDeclaration | |
VariableDeclaration ::= BindingIdentifier Initializer? | BindingPattern Initializer | |
BindingPattern ::= ObjectBindingPattern | ArrayBindingPattern | |
ObjectBindingPattern ::= "{" "}" | "{" BindingPropertyList "}" | "{" BindingPropertyList "," "}" | |
ArrayBindingPattern ::= "[" Elision? BindingRestElement? "]" | "[" BindingElementList "]" | "[" BindingElementList "," Elision? BindingRestElement? "]" | |
BindingPropertyList ::= BindingProperty | BindingPropertyList BindingProperty | |
BindingElementList ::= BindingElisionElement | BindingElementList "," BindingElisionElement | |
BindingElisionElement ::= Elision? BindingElement | |
BindingProperty ::= SingleNameBinding | PropertyName ":" BindingElement | |
BindingElement ::= SingleNameBinding | BindingPattern Initializer? | |
SingleNameBinding ::= BindingIdentifier Initializer? | |
BindingRestElement ::= "..." BindingIdentifier | |
EmptyStatement ::= ";" | |
ExpressionStatement ::= /* [lookahead ∉ {{, function, class, let [}] */ Expression ";" | |
IfStatement ::= "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" statement | |
| "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement | |
IterationStatement ::= "do" Statement "while" "(" Expression ")" ";" | |
| "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" /* [lookahead ∉ {let [}] */ Expression? ";" Expression? ";" Expression? ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" "var" VariableDeclarationList ";" Expression? ";" Expression? ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" LexicalDeclaration Expression? ";" Expression? ";" Expression? ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" /* [lookahead ∉ {let [}] */ LeftHandSideExpression "in" Expression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" "var" ForBinding "in" Expression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" ForDeclaration "in" Expression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" /* [lookahead ∉ {let [}] */ LeftHandSideExpression "of" AssignmentExpression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" "var" ForBinding "of" AssignmentExpression ")" Statement | |
| "for" "(" LexicalDeclaration Expression "of" AssignmentExpression ")" Statement | |
ForDeclaration ::= LetOrConst ForBinding | |
ForBinding ::= BindingIdentifier | BindingPattern | |
ContinueStatement ::= "continue" ";" | "continue" /* no LineTerminator here */ LabelIdentifier ";" | |
BreakStatement ::= "break" ";" | "break" /* no LineTerminator here */ LabelIdentifier ";" | |
ReturnStatement ::= "return" ";" | "return" /* no LineTerminator here */ Expression ";" | |
WithStatement ::= "with" "(" Expression ")" Statement | |
SwitchStatement ::= "switch" "(" Expression ")" CaseBlock | |
CaseBlock ::= "{" CaseClauses? "}" | "{" CaseClauses? DefaultClause CaseClauses? "}" | |
CaseClauses ::= CaseClause | CaseClauses CaseClause | |
CaseClause ::= "case" Expression ":" StatementList? | |
DefaultClause ::= "default" ":" StatementList? | |
LabelledStatement ::= LabelIdentifier ":" LabelledItem | |
LabelledItem ::= Statement | FunctionDeclaration | |
ThrowStatement ::= "throw" /* no LineTerminator here */ Expression ";" | |
TryStatement ::= "try" Block Catch | "try" Block Finally | "try" Block Catch finally | |
Catch ::= "catch" "(" CatchParameter ")" Block | |
Finally ::= "finally" Block | |
CatchParameter ::= BindingIdentifier | BindingPattern | |
DebuggerStatement ::= "debugger" ";" | |
/* Functions and classes */ | |
FunctionDeclaration ::= "function" BindingIdentifier "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
| /* [+Default] */ "function" "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
FunctionExpression ::= "function" BindingIdentifier? "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
StrictFormalParameters ::= FormalParameters | |
FormalParameters ::= | FormalParameterList | |
FormalParameterList ::= FunctionRestParameter | FormalsList | FormalsList "," FormalParameter | |
FormalsList ::= FormalParameter | FormalsList "," FormalParameter | |
FunctionRestParameter ::= BindingRestElement | |
FormalParameter ::= BindingElement | |
FunctionBody ::= FunctionStatementList | |
FunctionStatementList ::= StatementList? | |
ArrowFunction ::= ArrowParameters /* no LineTerminator here */ "=>" ConciseBody | |
ArrowParameters ::= BindingIdentifier | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList | |
ConciseBody ::= /* [lookahead ≠ { ] */ AssignmentExpression | "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
ArrowFormalParameters ::= "(" StrictFormalParameters ")" | |
MethodDefinition ::= PropertyName "(" StrictFormalParameters ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
| GeneratorMethod | |
| "get" PropertyName "(" ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
| "set" PropertyName "(" PropertySetParameterList ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" | |
PropertySetParameterList ::= FormalParameter | |
GeneratorMethod ::= "*" PropertyName "(" StrictFormalParameters ")" "{" GeneratorBody "}" | |
GeneratorDeclaration ::= "function" "*" BindingIdentifier "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" GeneratorBody "}" | |
| /* [+Default] */ "function" "*" "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" GeneratorBody "}" | |
GeneratorExpression ::= "function" "*" BindingIdentifier? "(" FormalParameters ")" "{" GeneratorBody "}" | |
GeneratorBody ::= FunctionBody | |
YieldExpression ::= "yield" | |
| "yield" /* no LineTerminator here */ AssignmentExpression | |
| "yield" /* no LineTerminator here */ "*" AssignmentExpression | |
ClassDeclaration ::= "class" BindingIdentifier? ClassTail | |
| /* [+Default] */ class ClassTail | |
ClassExpression ::= "class" BindingIdentifier? ClassTail | |
ClassTail ::= ClassHeritage? "{" ClassBody? "}" | |
ClassHeritage ::= "extends" LeftHandSideExpression | |
ClassBody ::= ClassElementList | |
ClassElementList ::= ClassElement | |
| classElementLIst ClassElement | |
ClassElement ::= MethodDefinition | |
| "static" MethodDefinition | |
| ";" | |
/* Scripts and Modules */ | |
script ::= ScriptBody? | |
ScriptBody ::= StatementList | |
Module ::= ModuleBody? | |
ModuleBody ::= ModuleItemList | |
ModuleItemList ::= ModuleItem | |
| ModuleItemList ModuleItem | |
ModuleItem ::= ImportDeclaration | |
| ExportDeclaration | |
| StatementListItem | |
ImportDeclaration ::= "import" ImportClause FromClause ";" | |
| "import" ModuleSpecifier ";" | |
ImportClause ::= ImportedDefaultBinding | |
| NameSpaceImport | |
| NamedImports | |
| ImportedDefaultBinding "," NameSpaceImport | |
| ImportedDefaultBinding "," NamedImports | |
ImportedDefaultBinding ::= ImportedBinding | |
NameSpaceImport ::= "*" "as" ImportedBinding | |
NamedImports ::= "{" "}" | |
FromClause ::= "from" ModuleSpecifier | |
ImportsList ::= ImportSpecifier | |
| ImportsList "," ImportSpecifier | |
ImportSpecifier ::= ImportedBinding | |
| IdentifierName "as" ImportedBinding | |
ModuleSpecifier ::= StringLiteral | |
ImportedBinding ::= BindingIdentifier | |
ExportDeclaration ::= "export" "*" FromClause ";" | |
| "export" ExportClause FromClause ";" | |
| "export" ExportClause ";" | |
| "export" VariableStatement | |
| "export" Declaration | |
| "export" "default" HoistableDeclaration | |
| "export" "default" ClassDeclaration | |
| "export" "default" /* [lookahead ∉ {function, class}] */ AssignmentExpression ";" | |
ExportClause ::= "{" "}" | |
| "{" ExportList "}" | |
| "{" ExportList "," "}" | |
ExportList ::= ExportSpecifier | |
| ExportsList "," ExportSpecifier | |
ExportSpecifier ::= IdentifierName | |
| IdentifierName "as" IdentifierName | |
/* Number Conversions */ | |
StringNumericLiteral ::= StrWhiteSpace? | |
| StrWhiteSpace? StrNumericLiteral StrWhiteSpace? | |
StrWhiteSpace ::= StrWhiteSpaceChar StrWhiteSpace? | |
StrWhiteSpaceChar ::= WhiteSpace | |
| LineTerminator | |
StrNumericLiteral ::= StrDecimalLiteral | |
| BinaryIntegerLiteral | |
| OctalIntegerLiteral | |
| HexIntegerLiteral | |
StrDecimalLiteral ::= StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral | |
| "+" StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral | |
| "-" StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral | |
StrUnsignedDecimalLiteral ::= "Infinity" | |
| DecimalDigits "." DecimalDigits? ExponentPart? | |
| "." DecimalDigits ExponentPart? | |
| DecimalDigits ExponentPart? | |
/* Also using, but already declared: DecimalDigits DecimalDigit ExponentPart ExponentIndicator SignedInteger HexIntegerLiteral HexDigit */ | |
/* Universal Resource Identifier Character Classes */ | |
uri ::= uriCharacters? | |
uriCharacters ::= uriCharacter uriCharacters? | |
uriCharacter ::= uriReserved | |
| uriUnescaped | |
| uriEscaped | |
uriReserved ::= [ ; / ? : @ & = + $ , ] | |
uriUnescaped ::= uriAlpha | |
| DecimalDigit | |
| uriMark | |
uriEscaped ::= "%" HexDigit HexDigit | |
uriAlpha ::= [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ] | |
uriMark ::= [-_.!~*'()] | |
/* Regular Expressions */ | |
Pattern ::= Disjunction | |
Disjunction ::= Alternative | |
| Alternative "|" Disjunction | |
Alternative ::= /* empty */ | |
| Alternative Term | |
Term ::= Assertion | |
| Atom | |
| Atom Quantifier | |
Assertion ::= "^" | |
| "$" | |
| "\" "b" | |
| "\" "B" | |
| "(" "?" "=" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" "!" Disjunction ")" | |
Quantifier ::= QuantifierPrefix | |
| QuantifierPrefix "?" | |
QuantifierPrefix ::= "*" | |
| "+" | |
| "?" | |
| "{" DecimalDigits "}" | |
| "{" DecimalDigits "," "}" | |
| "{" DecimalDigits "," DecimalDigits "}" | |
Atom ::= PatternCharacter | |
| "." | |
| "\" AtomEscape | |
| CharacterClass | |
| "(" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" ":" Disjunction ")" | |
SyntaxCharacter ::= [$^\.*+?()[#x005D{}|] /* #x005D is ] */ | |
PatternCharacter ::= /* SourceCharacter but not SyntaxCharacter */ [^$^\.*+?()[#x005D{}|] /* #x005D is ] */ | |
AtomEscape ::= DecimalEscape | |
| CharacterEscape | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
CharacterEscape ::= ControlEscape | |
| "c" ControlLetter | |
| HexEscapeSequence | |
| RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence | |
| IdentityEscape | |
ControlLetter ::= [fnrtv] | |
ControlEscape ::= uriAlpha /* being lazy */ | |
RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence ::= "u" LeadSurrogate "\u" TrailSurrogate | |
| "u" LeadSurrogate | |
| "u" TrailSurrogate | |
| "u" NonSurrogate | |
| Hex4Digits | |
| "u{" HexDigits "}" | |
LeadSurrogate ::= Hex4Digits /* [match only if the SV of Hex4Digits is in the inclusive range 0xD800 to 0xDBFF] */ | |
TrailSurrogate ::= Hex4Digits /* [match only if the SV of Hex4Digits is in the inclusive range 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF] */ | |
NonSurrogate ::= Hex4Digits /* [match only if the SV of Hex4Digits is not in the inclusive range 0xD800 to 0xDFFF] */ | |
IdentityEscape ::= SyntaxCharacter | |
| "/" | |
| [^UnicodeContinue] /* SourceCharacter but not UnicodeIDContinue */ | |
DecimalEscape ::= DecimalIntegerLiteral /* [lookahead ∉ DecimalDigit] */ | |
CharacterClassEscape ::= [dDsSwW] | |
CharacterClass ::= "[" /* [lookahead ∉ {^}] */ ClassRanges "]" | |
| "[" "^" ClassRanges "]" | |
ClassRanges ::= /* empty */ | |
| NonemptyClassRanges | |
NonemptyClassRanges ::= ClassAtom | |
| ClassAtom NonemptyClassRangesNoDash | |
| ClassAtom "-" ClassAtom ClassRanges | |
NonemptyClassRangesNoDash ::= ClassAtom | |
| ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash | |
| ClassAtomNoDash "-" ClassAtom ClassRanges | |
ClassAtom ::= "-" | |
| ClassAtomNoDash | |
ClassAtomNoDash ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of \ or ] or - */ [^\#x005D-] | |
| "\" ClassEscape | |
ClassEscape ::= DecimalEscape | |
| "b" | |
| "-" | |
| CharacterEscape | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
/* Additional syntax: (non strict) Numeric Literals */ | |
NumericLiteral ::= DecimalLiteral | |
| BinaryIntegerLiteral | |
| OctalIntegerLiteral | |
| HexIntegerLiteral | |
| LegacyOctalIntegerLiteral | |
LegacyOctalIntegerLiteral ::= "0" OctalDigit | |
| NonZeroDigit DecimalDigits? | |
| NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral | |
DecimalIntegerLiteral ::= "0" OctalDigit | |
| LegacyOctalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit | |
NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral ::= "0" NonOctalDigit | |
| LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit | |
| NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit | |
LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral ::= "0" OctalDigit | |
| LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit | |
NonOctalDigit ::= "8" | |
| "9" | |
/* Additional syntax: (non strict) String Literals */ | |
EscapeSequence ::= CharacterEscapeSequence | |
| LegacyOctalEscapeSequence | |
| HexEscapeSequence | |
| UnicodeEscapeSequence | |
LegacyOctalEscapeSequence ::= OctalDigit /* [lookahead ∉ OctalDigit] */ | |
| ZeroToThree OctalDigit /* [lookahead ∉ OctalDigit] */ | |
| FourToSeven OctalDigit | |
| ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit | |
ZeroToThree ::= [0123] | |
FourToSeven ::= [4567] | |
/* Additional syntax: HTML-like Comments */ | |
Comment ::= MultiLineComment | |
| SingleLineComment | |
| SingleLineHTMLOpenComment | |
| SingleLineHTMLCloseComment | |
| SingleLineDelimitedComment | |
MultiLineComment ::= "/*" FirstCommentLine? LineTerminator MultiLineCommentChart? "*/" HTMLCloseComment? | |
FirstCommentLine ::= SingleLineDelimitedCommentChars | |
SingleLineHTMLOpenComment ::= "<!--" SingleLineCommentChars? | |
SingleLineHTMLCloseComment ::= LineTerminatorSequence HTMLCloseComment | |
SingleLineDelimiterComment ::= "/*" SingleLineDelimitedCommentChars? "*/" | |
HTMLCloseComment ::= WhiteSpaceSequence? SingleLineDelimitedCommentSequence? "-->" SingleLineCommentChars? | |
SingleLineDelimitedCommentChars ::= SingleLineNotAsteriskChar SingleLineDelimitedCommentChars? | |
| "*" SingleLinePstAsteriskCommentChars? | |
SingleLineNotAsteriskChar ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of * or LineTerminator */ [^*#x0012#x0015#x2028#x2029] | |
SingleLinePostAsteriskCommentChars ::= SingleLineNotForwardSlashOrAsteriskChar SingleLineDelimitedCommentChars? | |
| "*" SingleLinePostAsteriskCommentChars? | |
SingleLineNotForwardSlashOrAsteriskChar ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of / or * or LineTerminator */ [^*/#x0012#x0015#x2028#x2029] | |
WhiteSpaceSequence ::= WhiteSpace WhiteSpaceSequence? | |
SingleLineDelimitedCommentSequence ::= SingleLineDelimitedComment WhiteSpaceSequence? SingleLineDelimitedCommentSequence? | |
/* Additional syntax: Regular Expressions Patterns */ | |
Term ::= ExtendedTerm | |
| Assertion | |
| Atom | |
| Atom Quantifier | |
ExtendedTerm ::= Assertion | |
| AtomNoBrace Quantifier | |
| Atom | |
| QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier | |
AtomNoBrace ::= PatternCharacterNoBrace | |
| "." | |
| "\" AtomEscape | |
| CharacterClass | |
| "(" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" ":" Disjunction ")" | |
Atom ::= PatternCharacter | |
| "." | |
| "\" AtomEscape | |
| CharacterClass | |
| "(" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" ":" Disjunction ")" | |
PatternCharacterNoBrace ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of ^ $ \ . * + ? ( ) [ ] { } | */ [^^$\.*+?()[#x005D{}|] | |
PatternCharacter ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of ^ $ \ . * + ? ( ) [ ] | */ [^^$\.*+?()[#x005D|] | |
QuantifiableAssertion ::= "(" "?" "=" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" "!" Disjunction ")" | |
Assertion ::= "^" | |
| "$" | |
| "\" "b" | |
| "\" "B" | |
| "(" "?" "=" Disjunction ")" | |
| "(" "?" "!" Disjunction ")" | |
| QuantifiableAssertion | |
AtomEscape ::= DecimalEscape | |
| CharacterEscape | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
| DecimalEscape /* but only if the integer value of DecimalEscape is <= NCapturingParens */ | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
| CharacterEscape | |
CharacterEscape ::= ControlEscape | |
| "c" ControlLetter | |
| HexEscapeSequence | |
| RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence | |
| LegacyOctalEscapeSequence | |
| IdentityEscape | |
IdentityEscape ::= SyntaxCharacter | |
| "/" | |
| SourceCharacter /* but not c */ | |
NonemptyClassRanges ::= ClassAtom | |
| ClassAtom NonemptyClassRangesNoDash | |
| ClassAtom "-" ClassAtom ClassRanges | |
| ClassAtomInRange "-" ClassAtomInRange ClassRanges | |
NonemptyClassRangesNoDash ::= ClassAtom | |
| ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash | |
| ClassAtomNoDash "-" ClassAtom ClassRanges | |
| ClassAtomNoDashInRange "-" ClassAtomInRange ClassRanges | |
ClassAtom ::= "-" | |
| ClassAtomNoDashInRange | |
ClassAtomNoDash ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of \ or ] or - */ [^\#x005D-] | |
| "\" ClassEscape | |
ClassAtomInRange ::= "-" | |
| ClassAtomNoDashInRange | |
ClassAtomNoDashInRange ::= /* SourceCharacter but not one of \ or ] or - */ [^\#x005D-] | |
| "\" ClassEscape /* but only if ClassEscape evaluates to a CharSet with exactly one character */ | |
| "\" IdentityEscape | |
ClassEscape ::= DecimalEscape | |
| CharacterEscape | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
| DecimalEscape | |
| "b" | |
| CharacterClassEscape | |
| CharacterEscape |
ArrowFormalParameters doesn't seem to be referenced. Is this intended ?
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Hi @avdg, thank you very much for making this available.
I'm currently learning about grammars and parser generation, and I was very surprised of not finding an EBNF for ES6 in the specification itself.
I'm cursious how you put this together. Did you find it somewhere, or write it youreselft from the bits available in the spec, or from your knowledge of JS?
Thank you.