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Forked from anonymous/gist:314246
Created February 25, 2010 23:19
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Sorting in datatable
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<xforms:instance id="pack">
<packs xmlns="">
<!-- views/ -->
<xforms:instance id="ojoins">
<result xmlns="">
<h1>Test - Datatable, Sorting and Select with full appearance</h1>
<li>After the page loads, notice the instancd &quot;pack&quot; in the Inspector </li>
<li>Select rows, clicking on the select in the column Select - notice that evid and ml match the row.</li>
<li>Now sort the table by Date, Ml, Distance, etc. </li>
<li>Again select rows and watch the pack instance in the Inspector</li>
<li>The values refer to the unsorted items.</li>
<xforms:group ref="instance('ojoins')">
<th> Select </th>
<th fr:sortable="true" fr:sorted="ascending"> Date </th>
<th fr:sortable="true" fr:sortType="number"> M(l) </th>
<th fr:sortable="true" fr:sortType="number"> Distance(k) </th>
<th fr:sortable="true" fr:sortType="number"> Depth(k) </th>
<th> Latitude </th>
<th> Longitude </th>
<th> Azimuth </th>
<th> Authority </th>
<th fr:sortable="true"> Event ID </th>
<xforms:repeat nodeset="/result/ojoin" id="ojoins-repeat">
<xxforms:variable name="ojoin" select="."/>
<xxforms:variable name="position" select="count(preceding-sibling::ojoin) + 1"/>
<xforms:select1 ref="instance('pack')/pack/evid" appearance="full">
<xforms:value ref="$ojoin/evid"/>
<xforms:action ev:event="xforms-select">
<xforms:setvalue ref="instance('pack')/pack/ml" value="instance('ojoins')/ojoin[$position]/ml"/>
<xforms:setvalue ref="instance('pack-form')/dirtywj" value="true()"/>
<xforms:setvalue ref="instance('pack-form')/dirtytr" value="true()"/>
<td> <xforms:output ref="time" xxforms:format="format-dateTime(.,'[Y]-[M00]-[D00] &nbsp; [h00]:[m00]:[s00]')"/> </td>
<td> <xforms:output ref="ml" xxforms:format="format-number(.,'##.00')"/> </td>
<td style="text-align: right;"> <xforms:output ref="distance" xxforms:format="format-number(.,'####.0')"/> </td>
<td style="text-align: right;"> <xforms:output ref="depth" xxforms:format="format-number(.,'###.0')"/> </td>
<td> <xforms:output ref="lat" xxforms:format="format-number(.,'####.000')"/> </td>
<td> <xforms:output ref="lon" xxforms:format="format-number(., '####.000')"/> </td>
<td> <xforms:output ref="azimuth"/> </td>
<td> <xforms:output ref="auth"/> </td>
<td style="text-align: right;"> <xforms:output ref="evid"/> </td>
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